Product Labels

Manage Labels

Product Labels are markers which are placed according to Placeholders they assigned to at Catalog and Product pages. Using these marks, you can easily promote your new product or boost sales during marketing campaigns.

All Labels are located at the Marketing -> Product Labels -> Manage Labels section. From there, you can edit, remove, or create a new label.

How to Create New Label

Visit the Marketing -> Product Labels -> Manage Labels section and press the Add Label button. Labels creation is split into two Stages, the first of which selects the Label Type, and the second gives details of their application.

The first stage has only one section - General - and consists of the following fields: label_general

  • Internal Name - a logical internal title of the label.
  • Type - a type of label which needs to be created.
    • Attribute - a simple label that is displayed when the product has a selected attribute value.
    • Rule - a complex label that uses conditions to determine when a label needs to be applied.
  • Attribute - list of attributes tha can be used to craate labels for. Applicable only if the Type field is set to Attribute
  • Is Active - indicates whether the label is active and ready to apply.
  • Active From, Active To - time bounds when a label should be applied. Very useful for planning Sales campaigns.
  • Appearance - list of options of how the label should be configured and displayed:
    • Product List Label - configure and display label only for product listings such as category pages or widgets.
    • Product View Label - configure and display label only for product view page
    • Same Label for List and View - configure and display the same label design for product listings and product view pages.
    • Sepparate Labels for List and View - configure and display sepparate designs for product listings and product view pages.
  • Visible In - stores where the label needs to be applied.
  • Customer Groups - customer groups who are eligible to see labels.
  • Sort Order - priority order in which labels are applied to products.

Once the first stage cofigurations are finished and the label is saved fields Type and Attribute no longer can be changed. Changing the Appearence field after configuring the label can result in design configurations loss.

The next stage contains detailed information about label displaying. The General section is displayed for both types of Label, the fields are the same as at the first stage.

Each label has a group of label's design fields. The number of design fields' groups and the way they organized depends on values of the Type and Appearance fields.

Attribute-based Labels Setup

If Attribute was selected in the previous stage of Type and the Atribute field is selected as well in the second stage the Gallery section will appear.


The Gallery field will contain a bunch of fieldsets the number of which will be equal to number of options of the selected attribute. Each fieldset will contain one or two groups of the design fields depends on the value of the Appearance field.

Rule-based Labels Setup

If Rule was selected as the Type in the previous stage, the second stage will feature two additional tabs: Conditions and Design.

At the Conditions tab, you will see a conditional block, which allows you to filter products to which labels should be applied, as shown on the screenshot:


All conditionals should be enclosed in the global mode block. They have four possible global modes of applying, shown in the special header If *[apply mode]* of these conditions are *[validation mode]*:

Applying modes define, when rule shall be triggered:

  • ALL - implies that the rule will be executed only when all conditions are strictly met;
  • ANY - implies that the rule will be executed only when one or more (but not all) of conditions are met;

Validation modes define which result can produce each condition to be registered as "met":

  • TRUE - implies that the conditions need to be valid.
  • FALSE - implies that the conditions need to be invalid.

You can also define multiple nested mode blocks by selecting the Conditions Combination option. These modes allow for creating flexible condition sets to satisfy a policy of any complexity.

Once you have selected global mode (or left it as default), press the green (+) button, and select a condition type. There are three categories of available conditions:

  • Product

    Contains three base attributes which are used for identifying products:

    • Attribute Set - a set of attributes defining a particular type of product (e.g. jewelry, for example). All these sets can be seen at Stores -> Attributes -> Attribute Set.
    • Category - one or more categories where the product needs to be registered.
    • SKU - direct value, or pattern (using contains operator), that needs to be in the product's SKU code.


  • Product Attribute

    Contains all attributes, defined at Stores -> Attributes -> Product, the most interesting of which are:

    • New - allows to check whether the product is New.
    • Format - a digital form of product (useful for downloadable products)


  • Product Additional

    Contains special attributes that can be used for building complex campaigns:

    • Created At - checks how many days ago the product was added to the store.
    • Updated At - checks how many days ago the product was last changed.
    • Percent Discount - analyzes which discount was applied to this particular product.


      Only discounts that have been applied directly to the products are analyzed. They are created at Marketing -> Catalog Price Rules.
    • Price - Final Price - is the final price, calculated after the application of all discounts and special price rules, which customers will actually pay.
    • Quantity - the quantity of a product which is currently in stock. This is useful when you need to mark the product as sold out.
    • Set As New - checks whether the product was set as new (including old products, returned as new arrivals).


At the Design tab will be one or two groups of the design fields depends on the value of the Appearance field.

Configuring Label's design

Each type of a label has the next group of fields to manage the desing of the label: label_design

  • Image - uploads label which will be added to the product image.
  • Title - sets title on the label. Variables can be used in this field.
  • Description - sets label description. Variables can be used in this field.
  • Url - sets URL key of label.
  • Placeholder - assign the label to placeholder. Read more at the Placeholders section.
  • Template - choose the template for label. Templates have previews which updating automatically while design fields are edited. Read more at the Templates section.
  • Style - additional CSS styles that should be applied to the label.
  • Reset Label - removes current label's design.

Using Variables

The extension provides you with the ability to use variables in labels' title and description.

The list of available variables:

  • [br] - add new line
  • [price] - product price
  • [final_price] - product final price
  • [sku] - product SKU
  • [stock_qty] - product's quantity in stock
  • [discount_amount] - absolute discount (in store currency)
  • [discount_percent] - relative discount (in percent)
  • [special_price_dl] - days left for special price
  • [new_days] - days since the product was added to the store or since the date "Set Product As New From". The variable will return an empty string if the date "Set Product As New To" is less than the current date.
  • [attr|code] - value of the product's attribute. Replace the code with the actual attribute code. For attributes of the type multiselect the variable will be replaced with all values of that attribute (comma-separated).

Applying labels

The extension has its own index to store label-product relations.

If the index is set to Update on Save these relations will be updated any time you save the label. The extension will reflect on changing products in the same way - during saving the product from the admin panel.

If the index is set to Update by Schedule, label - product relations update after changing products data will be handled by Magento's indexation. If labels are changed the reindex of label-product relations will be performed on a cron basis every 6 hours (full reindex of all created labels). If you'd like to apply label changes immediately, you'll need to press the Apply Label button on the label's edit page after saving the label. This button is only visible when the index is set to Update by Schedule
