Product Finder

General Settings

You can turn the finder on and off, specify its internal name, and change its destination URL in this section.

Destination URL

This option allows you to specify a custom results page for the finder. This field is optional. You only have to add the destination URL if you place the finder on a page without the relevant products, e.g. your homepage.


The results page has to contain the relevant product list and a secondary finder block in order to work properly.

Useful Info

If you do not add a destination URL, the finder will be redirected to the default results page: /finder/index

Available Options

Option Description
Enable Finder Turns the finder on and off.
Name The finder's internal name. It is not visible to customers.
Destination URL Specifies the full or relative path to the finder's custom results page.


The relative path starts with a slash. If the full URL is, you only need to add /tyres.html.


Destination URL only changes the finder's results page. It does not determine the finder block's location. To place the finder on a specific page, you have to add its code snippet from the Display section there.