Layered Navigation

Brand Settings

This section describes most settings that you can use for configuring your brands.

All of them located at Stores -> Configuration -> Mirasvit Extensions -> Brand section.


This section has the most basic options which define the behavior of Brands.

Option Description
Brand Attribute Defines the brand's attribute.
All Brands URL Defines URL for the brand's page.
Brand page URL Defines how URL will be displayed. There are two available options: Long URL like /brand/apple/ or Short URL like /apple/
Brand URL Suffix Defines suffix for brand URLs.
Use Category URL Suffix Allows you to use Category URL Suffix.
Brands Link Position Defines where the Link will be displayed. There are three available options: Disabled, Top Menu (first), Top Menu (last)
Brand link label Displayed when Top Menu (first) or Top Menu (last) option is selected in the previous setting. The option defines a link's label.
Brands Menu Mode Sets the "Brands" menu item to either link to the "All Brands" page or open a modal with a list of brands.
Modal Menu Title Defines the title of the brands modal window if the "Brands Menu Mode" parameter is set to Modal.
Show Not Configured Brands If enabled, it will show simple brand pages in frontend automatically (without additional configuration).
Show all categories in filter If enabled, show all categories in the filter. If disabled, show only top-level categories.

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Brand page

Option Description
Show Brand Logo Allows using a brand logo.
Show Brand Description Allows showing a brand description.

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All Brands Pages

Option Description
Show Brand Logo Allows using a brand logo.
Meta Title Allows setting a Meta Title for all brands page.
Meta Keyword Allows setting Meta Keywords for all brands page.
Meta Description Allows setting a Meta Description for all brands page.

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Brand Slider

Option Description
WidgetCode Create a Brand Slider widget or use this code to add a slider to a CMS page or static block.
Items Limit Defines how many items will be available. By default will be used 4.
Order Defines how to sort brands on the page.
Show Title Allows to enable or disable a brand title.
Title Text Displayed when Show Title option is selected in the previous setting. The option defines the title text.
Title Text Color Displayed when Show Title option is selected in the previous setting. The option defines the title color. If the field is empty, the default value will be used.
Title Background Color Displayed when the Show Title option is selected in the previous setting. The option defines the background title color. If the field is empty, the default value will be used.
Show Brand Label Allows you to enable or disable a brand label.
Brand Label Color Displayed when the Show Brand Label option is selected in the previous setting. The option defines the label color. If the field is empty, the default value will be applied.
Show Navigation Buttons Allows you to enable or disable the navigation buttons.
Show Pagination Allows you to enable or disable the pagination.
Auto Play If Yes, the slider will be updated automatically.
Auto Play Loop Displayed when the Auto Play option is selected in the previous setting. The option sets replay.
Auto Play Interval Displayed when the Auto Play option is selected in the previous setting. The option sets the shift interval.
Pause on Hover Displayed when the Auto Play option is selected in the previous setting. The option sets the pause when hovering.
Slider Width Defines a slider width (in pixels). Leave empty in order to use the default value.
Slider Image Width Defines a slider image width (in pixels). Leave empty in order to use the default value.
Spacing Between Images Defines a distance between images (in pixels). The default value is 10px.
Inactive Paging Color Defines an inactive paging color. If the field is empty, the default value will be used.
Active Paging Color Defines an active paging color. If the field is empty, the default value will be used.
Hover Paging Color Defines a hover paging color. If the field is empty, the default value will be used.
Navigation Buttons Color Defines a hover paging color. If the field is empty, the default value will be used.

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More Products From Brand

Option Description
Enabled Allows you to enable or disable a "more products from brand" function.
Title Defines block title. Use {brand_name} to show the same brand name.
Products Limit Defines how many products will be displayed. If the field is empty, only 6 products will be shown.

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Brand Logo And Tooltip

Product List

Option Description
Display Brand Logo on Product List Allows you to enable or disable the option. Used in Product Listing for brand attribute should be enabled.
Product List Brand Logo Image Width Defines a width for the product list brand logo. If the field is empty, the default value (30px) will be used.
Product List Brand Logo Tooltip Defines brand logo tooltip. There are five available variants: Title, Small Image, Image, Description, Short Description. Leave empty in order to disable.

Product Page

Option Description
Display Brand Logo on Product Page Allows you to enable or disable the Brand Logo.
Display Description on Product Page Define where the description will be displayed. There are three available variants: Disabled, Description, Short Description.
Product Page Brand Logo Image Width Defines width for product page brand logo. If the field is empty, the default value (30px) will be used.
Product Page Brand Logo Tooltip Defines brand logo tooltip. There are five available variants: Title, Small Image, Image, Description, Short Description. Leave empty in order to disable.

Product List & Product Page Configuration

Option Description
Tooltip Max Image Width Defines max tooltip image width. If the field is empty, the default value will be used.

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SEO For Brand Pages

Option Description
Robots meta header for brand pages This directive controls page visibility by search engine crawlers. There are five available variants: Don't change, NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW, NOINDEX, FOLLOW, INDEX, NOFOLLOW, INDEX FOLLOW.