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Manage brand

This section describes options used in creating and editing brand pages. They are located in Content -> Manage brand pages -> Add brand page/Edit brand page.

General information

  • Is active: this slider enables or disables the brand page.
  • URL key: URL key of the brand page. If left empty, a value will be generated automatically.
  • Brand: selector containing existing brands from the values of the assigned attribute.
  • Add new brand: this button opens menu of new brand creation.
  • Logo: allows to upload an image for the brand logo. Supported file types: png, gif, jpg, jpeg, svg. The size limit is approximately 2 MB.
  • Visible in store view: scope where the brand page will be displayed.


Content section includes a main configuration block (Default (Admin)) and additional blocks for each store view where the brand page is visible.

  • Title: title of the brand page. If left empty, a value will be generated automatically based on the Brand field.
  • Description: description of the brand.
  • Short description: short description, which can be used as a tooltip in settings in Product display settings.
  • Display mode: defines how the brand page is displayed. If "Please select a display mode" is displayed, the Products only mode will be used.
    • Products only: shows only related products.
    • Static block only: shows only static block.
    • Static block and products: shows static block and related products.
  • CMS block: static block displayed at the top of the brand page. Not applicable for the Products only display mode.

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization section includes a main configuration block (Default (Admin)) and additional blocks for each store view where the brand page is visible.


We recommend consulting with your SEO specialist to determine the most effective solution.

  • Meta title: meta title of the page.
  • Meta keywords: meta keywords of the page.
  • Meta description: meta description of the page.
  • SEO description: SEO description of the page.
  • SEO description position: position of the SEO description:
    • Bottom of the page: at the bottom of the page.
    • Under product list: under the product listing.
    • Disabled: not displayed.
  • Canonical URL: cross-domain canonical URL.
  • Robots: page visibility for search engine crawlers:

  • Banner alt: alternative text for the banner image. If left empty, a value will be generated automatically based on the Brand field.
  • Banner title: banner title. If left empty, a value will be generated automatically from the Brand field.
  • Banner image: this button allows uploading an image used as a banner. Supported file types: png, gif, jpg, jpeg. The size limit is approximately 2 MB.
  • Banner position: define where the banner will appear on the page:
    • After title position: after the title of the page.
    • Before description position: before the description of the brand.
    • After description position: after the description of the brand.

Brand slider is a widget showing short information about brands (logo and title) on CMS pages or in a static block.

  • Show in brand slider: this switcher allows to display the brand in the brand slider or hide it.
  • Slider position: position of the brand in the slider. The range is 0–99, where "0" is the first position. Refer to the Order By option in Brand slider settings.