Layered Navigation

Product Attributes Navigation Options

Our extension uses SEO Filters to define possible filters. The extension adds additional options to product attributes that are used to build Layered Navigation.

To adjust your attributes for Navigation, visit Stores -> Attributes -> Product and select an attribute.

Basic Navigation Options

They are located in the Storefront Properties subsection and are added to all attributes:

  • Use in Layered Navigation - defines how current attributes should be used in Layered Navigation. There are three possible options:
    • Filterable (with Results) - defines which filter can be used in Navigation, and which results can be displayed and manipulated.
    • Filterable (no Results) - defines that filter can be used in Navigation, but results can not be manipulated.
    • No - attribute can not be used for Navigation.
  • Use in Search Results Layered Navigation - our extension features additional filters, which can be applied to and combined with already filtered results. If this option is set to Yes, then this attribute can be combined.


    This option applies only to enumerable properties, like Dropdown, Multiple Select, Price, and so on.

Overriding Filter Options Display and Behaviour

Our extension allows you to adjust filter options display and behavior per attribute.
This can be done by using a special tab added to such attributes, called Layered Navigation.

If the property is enumerable and has a defined set of values, the display of each value can be customized.

There are three sections in this tab with different settings:

  • Appearance
    • Display Mode - defines how filter options are displayed in the layered navigation on the storefront. Applicable only for attributes of a type price
    • Value Template - specifies the template for price format. Applicable only for attributes of a type price
    • Show Search Box - defines whether to display the search box for the filter. Not applicable for attributes of a type price
    • Tooltip - the tooltip text for the filter.
  • Visibility
    • Categories Visibility Mode - defines whether the filter should be displayed/hidden in particular categories
  • Additional

    • Enable Multiselect - overrides the multiselect setting from the general configurations per attribute
    • Multiselect Logic - defines the multiselect logic (OR/AND) per attribute. Applicable only for attributes of a type select and multiselect. The default behavior is OR.
    • Sort Options by - defines the sorting order for attribute options in layered navigation. Applicable only for attributes of a type select and multiselect.
    • Use Alphabetical Index - Allows you to use alphabetical index for category filter. More information about this feature is below.

    If the property is enumerable and has a defined set of values, the display of each value can be customized. For each possible value, there are four possible options:

    Setting Description
    Option name of possible value (read-only property).
    Images this is the image to be used instead of the widget, defined in the Display options setting in the General section.
    Label a label to be used instead of the default name, shown in the Option field.
    Whole width image defines whether the image should be displayed as is (selected) or shrunk to standard proportions (deselected).

By combining these definitions, you can completely override your filter display on the sidebar and create a more attractive appearance.

Alphabetical index

This feature provides you with the ability to filter attribute options by the first letter of their label. The alphabetical index will appear only if the number of options in the filter is equal or higher than the limit for alphabetical index configured in the extension.

If this option is enabled for a filter it will look like here:


If for this attribute the Sort Options by is set to Labet (alphabeticaly) the options of the attribute will be grouped by the first letter like here:

Alphabetical group