Google PageSpeed Optimize

Command Line Interface

Usage: php -f bin/magento [options]

  • Run a Google PageSpeed test for the given page:
        bin/magento mirasvit:optimize-insight:pagespeed
  • Validate the software required for image optimization:
        bin/magento mirasvit:optimize-image:validate
  • Run the image optimization process and generate webp images:

        bin/magento mirasvit:optimize-image:optimize  

    This command has next options:

    • --image - optimize images according to the Image Quality level which is set in the configurations
    • --webp - generate webp images with the compression according to the Image Quality level


      Both options are optional. If the command executed without any option the extension will consider both options enabled - images will be optimized and webp images will be generated (if enabled in the configurations)

      The extension also runs image optimizations and webp images generation processes on a cron basis

  • Run the restore command to restore original images:
        bin/magento mirasvit:optimize-image:restore  


    The extension will remove all optimized and webp images