Automatic Related Products

Product Selection Rules

Selection Rule - This is the internal function that describes the conditions in selecting some appropriate related products.

Go to Marketing > Related Products > Product Selection Rules. You will see the applicable rules.

You can add a Rule by pressing Add New Rule button. You will see then a Rule edit form, which contains the following basic data:

General information

  • Internal Name - the internal name of the rule.

Products Selection Condition


Primary Source

Primary Source - the source of some related products. The Related Products for Magento 2 extension selects related products based on:

  • Whole Catalog - all available products (products from the current product page, last added product in the cart, any already purchased products, possible related products)
  • Bought Together (the same Order) - previous orders (products from current product page, the last added product in the cart, any already purchased products, possible related products were bought in the same order)
  • Also Bought (the same Customer) - previous orders (the same customer bought products from the current product page, the last added product in the cart, any already purchased products, possible related product)
  • Viewed Together - previous product viewing history (the same customer viewed products from current product page, the last added product in the cart, any already purchased products, possible related product).


When using the rule "Other Viewed Products" for the Product Blocks, please note that this rule updates the list of related products only if the option "Enable "Product View" Report" is enabled.

To activate the "Enable "Product View" Report", navigate to Stores > Configuration > Reports where you must first activate the option Enable reports. After that, the option Enable "Product View" Report will become available.

Please note that "Other Viewed Products" only takes into account viewed products of logged-in customers.

Use default Magento collections

Under the Primary Source drop-down menu, three additional options are located that allow you to use the default Magento collections.

  • Include assigned Related Products
  • Include assigned Up-Sells Products
  • Include assigned Cross-Sells Products

When the respective checkbox is activated ,the products are first added from default source and after that – products are added by the created rule.


Rule - additional conditions to specify what products will be considered as related products.