Reward Points + Referral program

Earning Rules

Earning Rules define ways by which customers earn points.

To create a new Earning Rule, go to the Marketing > Promotions > Reward Points > Earning Rules and press the button Add New.

Editing the page of an earning rule is very complex and differs, depending on the type of rule, so each type has its subsection here:

If you wish to create custom earning rule, please, refer to Custom Behavior Rules section of this manual.

General Information

The following options below are common to all types of earning rules:

  • Rule Name -This is the name of the rule. It is used for internal purposes only.
  • Display Name - This is the rule name that will be displayed in your client's account, thus bringing out your client's valuable information on the rule (way) to earn points from your store.
  • Type - This means the type of rule. Below are the different types of rules:
    • Behaviour Rule - These are points earned subject to a customer's action or actions.
    • Cart Rule -These are points earned subject to the total amount in the Customer's cart or the contents thereof.
  • Is Active - rule status.
  • Active From, Active To - period of rule activity.
  • Websites - choose which website the rule is applied to. For a single Magento installation, you can set up multiple websites, each with its own IP address and domain.
  • Customer Groups - These are the Customer's groups upon which Rules can be applied.
  • Stop further rules processing - if enabled, no other rule will be applied, if this applies, please see the important note below for more details.
  • Is show on the product page - display the rule on the product page. This option can be activated only for Cart Rules.
  • Priority - the order, which will be used in sorting out a variety of rules before they can be applied.


Important: It is a common case when different policies are applied to most similar conditions (or the same event), but with some differences - which require applying only one Rule per Order. Then Priority and Stop further rules processing options can be used in organizing their execution order.


For example, a regular customer will receive 10 points, but a VIP shall receive 100.

Let's have two rules, for instance - "Regular" and "VIP". In this case, the VIP rule has a higher priority and has an option forStop further rules processing enabled. If a VIP customer buys a product, the VIP rule will apply, but for that of a Regular customer, he will not, (since the option for Stop processing... is set). When a Regular Customer buys a product, the VIP rule will be skipped, and the Regular Rule will apply automatically.

Each rule has four possible global modes of applying its conditions in respective Conditions tab, shown on a special header If *[apply mode]* of these conditions are *[validation mode]*:

Applying modes define, when rule can be triggered:

  • ALL - implies, that rule will be executed only when strictly all the conditions were met;
  • ANY - implies, that rule will be executed when one or more (but not all) of these conditions are met;

Validation modes defines the result which each condition can produce as "met":

  • TRUE - implies that the conditions are valid.
  • FALSE - implies that the conditions are invalid.

These modes create flexible conditions set to satisfy policy of any complexity.

Cart Rules

Award points consist of the total amount of actual money spent in the Cart. This type of rule is recommended when using tier or special prices (with taxes, dependent on the shipping country, for example), which can dynamically alter the actual cost price of a product.


Cart Rules has more complex condition subsystems which are:

  • Product attribute combination - This allows you to set the product attribute combination. Attributes list is the same, as in Product Rule. It has the following scheme: If an item is tagged [validation mode] in the Cart with [applying mode], and any of these conditions are true:.
    • Validation mode can be either FOUND or NOT FOUND, which defines, whether a checked product exist in the Cart or not;
    • Applying mode can be either ALL or ANY, their meanings are the same as in the previous type of rule: whether all the conditions in this container apply or one or more of them does not.
    • Additional to product properties set, this mode provides three additional properties regarding Cart content:
      • Price in Cart - allows the Customer to check the products that match conditions and prices in the Cart. Useful, when discounts or custom prices are used;
      • Quantity in Cart - allows the Customer to check the number of products ordered in the Cart.
      • Row Total In Cart - Total cost of the products that match the conditions in the current Cart. It is calculated by multiplying the two properties above.
  • Product subselection - allows you to check the cart item attributes. It also has a container and has the following scheme If [selection mode] for a subselection of items in the cart matches [applying mode] of these conditions.
    • Selection mode defines, which primary parameter is checked - product quantity (total quantity) or its row total ((total amount)). It shall be supplied with a numeric value.
    • Applying mode can be either ALL or ANY, their meaning is the same as the previous type of rule: whether all conditions in this container apply or one or more of them does,
    • Container can have the same conditions as the above model.
  • Conditions combination - allows you to break rule into logical parts, each of which can be validated separately. It is extremely useful when ANY applying mode is used for a full rule and the complex conditions required. It creates just a nested block of If *[apply mode]* of these conditions are *[validation mode]* type, as described in General section.

  • Cart attribute - allows you to set reward points earning based on the following cart attributes:

    • Additional Payment Method - apply condition with an additional payment method.
    • Subtotal - subtotal of cart, including shipping and handling fees. It can also contain a discount, if Stores -> Configuration -> Sales -> Tax -> Calculation Settings -> Apply Customer Tax is set to Before discount.
    • Subtotal (incl. tax) - subtotal of cart including taxes.
    • Subtotal (excl. tax) - subtotal of cart excluding taxes.
    • Total Items Quantity - the total quantity of items in the current Cart.
    • Total Weight - The total amount that all the products in the Cart weights.
    • Payment Method - payment method.


      If the payment method is not selected - this condition will return false. Therefore, this condition forces earnings only on checkouts, or when payment selection is available directly from Cart.
    • Shipping Method - shipping method. The note above also applies here.
    • Shipping Postcode - postal code, where the products will be sent. The note above also applies here.
    • Shipping Region - shipping region. The note above also applies here.
    • Shipping State/Province - The state, or province, where the product will be delivered. The note above also applies here.
    • Shipping Country -The Country, where the product will be delivered. The note above also applies here.
    • Is Rewards Points used - apply condition when Reward Points is used.
    • Coupon Used - apply condition when coupon is used.
    • Coupon Code - the identification code of the used coupon.
  • Customer - allows you to set rewards point based on the customers’ status, account statistics and other information:
    • Is Referee - the customer is the referee.
    • Is Referral - the customer is the referral.
    • Email - email of the customer.
    • Group - user group the customer belongs to.
    • Lifetime Sales - customer's total sales.
    • Lifetime Spent Points - customer's total spent points.
    • Number of Orders - customer's total number of orders.
    • Is subscriber of newsletter - the customer is subscribed to newsletter.
    • Number of reviews - customer's total number of reviews.
    • Number of referred friends signups - customer's total number of signed up referrals.
    • Number of referred friends orders - total number of orders made by the customer's referrals.
    • Sum of referred friends order - total sum of orders made by the customer's referrals.
    • Number of referrals who ordered at least once - total number of customer’s referrals who ordered at least once.


Apply the rule only to cart items matching the following conditions:

  • Cart Item Attribute - the product attribute in the customer’s cart.
    • Price in cart - price of the items in cart.
    • Quantity in cart - the quantity of items in cart.
    • Row in total - row total = (ordered item price * ordered item quantity) + Tax) - Discount


  • Message - shows a notification on the product pages if the rule is applied to the current product.


  • Customer Earning Style - strategy, which is used in calculating points.
    • Give X points to Customer - the Customer is awarded a fixed number of points.
    • Give X points for every spent Y - These are points calculated in chunks, into which Cart subtotal breaks.
    • Give X points for every Z quantity - points are calculated from the total quantity of items in the current Cart.
  • Number of Points (X) - the number of points awarded at each step. It also regulates the minimal number of points that can be awarded.
  • Step (Y) - used only when Give X points for every spent Y strategy is selected, and defines the size of one chunk, into which subtotal should be divided. It also serves as a regulator to the minimal amount of currency, which can be awarded by points.
  • Quantity Step (Z) - used if Give X points for every Z quantity strategy is selected. If it's not empty, items quantity will be divided into chunks of this size, and points will be calculated accordingly.
  • Earn Maximum - the maximum number of points earned from the current rule.


For example, you can create the following cart rules in your store:

  • Buy 3 products with one Order and get 100 points.
  • For every $1 spent, you will receive 1 point.
  • For every product ordered, you will receive 100 points.

This section also contains a special subsection Applying this Rule only to items on the Cart matching the following conditions. It is a shortcut for a condition of Product attribute combination** mode (see above).

Behaviour Rules

These rules only trigger certain Customer' actions, such as writing a review or placing an order.


This section allows picking up Event, which corresponds with a Customer's action, and binds it to its a current rule:

  • Customer signs up in store - signing into a store. Useful for awarding points that should be used in the very first Order.
  • Customer places order - triggered when the Customer places an order, and it is completed (e. q. invoiced and shipped).
  • Customer refer a friend - Customer sends an invite to a friend.
  • Customer writes a product review - the Customer adds a review, and it is approved by staff.
  • Customer has a birthday - this rule is executed by cron task, which starts at 00:00 each day for every Customer. If the Customer has a birthday to mark, the rule will be executed at that time.
  • Customer is not active for a long time - should be set in days. This rule also is executed at 00:00 by a cron task.
  • Customer creates RMA - Creates a return merchandise authorization.
  • Newsletter sign up - Customer opts to receive a Newsletter.
  • Twitter Tweet - Customer tweets product page on Twitter.
  • Pinterest Pin - Customer places a pin of a product on Pinterest.
  • Facebook share - Customer shares the product on Facebook.
  • Customer joins the affiliate program - Customer joins with an affiliate program (Mirasvit_Affiliate)
  • Customer tier up - Customer tier lever advances.
  • Customer tier down - Customer tier lever is lowered.
  • Push Notifications sign up - Customer opt in to receive push notifications.
  • Referred customer signs up in the store - referred customer (referee) signs up to the store. For more information refer to Building Referral Program section.
  • Order from a referred customer - the referred Customer had placed an order, and it is complete. For more information, refer to Building Referral Program section.
  • Custom events - list of custom events created using this Custom Behavior Events


Please, note, for the events "Customer has a birthday" & "Customer is not active for a long time" (executed by cron) you can use only the "Give X points to customer" style


There's also a subsection Apply the Rule only if the following conditions are met, where additional conditions can be set. Here is the list of currently supported properties:

  • Customer - conditions based on the the customer’s information.
    • Is a Referral - checks whether the Customer has invited customers to a store, and if they have become registered customers. This is extremely useful for building a Referral Program for the Customer.
    • Is a Referee - checks whether a customer is a referee (i.e., whether someone invited them)
    • Email - checks the email of a particular Customer.
    • Group - checks the group a particular Customer belongs to.
    • Lifetime sales - calculates the total amount purchased by the current Customer, and compares it with the value supplied.
    • Lifetime spent points - calculates the total points used by the current Customer, and compares it with the value supplied.
    • Number of Orders - calculates the total number of orders, placed by the current Customer, and compares it to the value supplied.
    • Is subscriber of Newsletter - checks whether the Customer has subscribed for a Newsletter.
    • Number of Reviews - calculates the total number of approved reviews made by the current Customer, and compares it to the value supplied.
    • Number of referred friends signups - calculates how many invited customers became registered customers (e. g. became referees).
    • Number of referred friends orders - the whole number of orders placed by the referees invited by the current Customer.
    • Sum of referred friends orders - the total sum of money for all orders placed by all referees, invited by the current Customer.
    • Number of referred friends that ordered at least once - number of referees invited by the current Customer, which placed at least one Order.
  • Order - conditions based on the customer’s order.
    • Subtotal - subtotal of cart, including shipping and handling fees.


  • Message in the rewards history - the Message that will be added as a description to the rewards earned from previous transactions, created under this rule.
  • Message for customer notification email - the Message sent to the Customer by mail. This Message shall only contain important messages, not the whole template. This Message will be inserted to the Balance update Email template, which can be set in Settings.


For example, you can create the following behavior rules in your store:

  • Write a review and get 10 points
  • Refer a friend and get 10 points when your referee makes their first Order

More examples can be found at Earning Rules Examples section.


  • Customer Earning Style - strategy, which is used in calculating points.
    • Give X points to Customer - the Customer is awarded a fixed number of points.
    • Give X points for every spent Y - These are points calculated in chunks, into which the Cart subtotal breaks.
    • Give X points for every Z quantity - points are calculated from the total quantity of items in the current Cart.
  • Number of points (X) - number of points that a customer receives if the rule applies.
  • Maximum number of earned points for one Customer per day - sets a limit to the number of points earned by a customer per day. Set at 0 or empty to disable the limit.
  • Assign Customer to Group - allows a Customer to move to his or her desired group, if the rule is triggered. This is extremely useful when maintaining the customers' ranks program, for example, or building a referral program.