
GraphQL Objects Reference

Query object

The Query object can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data Type Description
customerRmas CustomerRmas List of customer RMAs
rmaDictionary RmaDictionary List of RMA dictionaries

CustomerRma object

RMA mapping fields

The CustomerRma object can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data Type Description
id String RMA ID
increment_id String The RMA number
created_at String Created at date
status String Status

CustomerRmas object

Array of RMAs

The CustomerRmas object can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data Type Description
items [CustomerRma] Array of RMAs

RmaDictionary object

RMA Dictionary

The RmaDictionary object can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data Type Description
statuses [RmaStatus] Array of RMA statuses
conditions [RmaCondition] Array of RMA conditions
reasons [RmaReason] Array of RMA reasons
resolutions [RmaResolution] Array of RMA resolutions

RmaStatus object

RMA Status object

The RmaStatus object can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data Type Description
name String Status name
is_active Boolean Is status active
color String Status color
is_visible Boolean Is the status visible in the status bar

RmaCondition object

RMA Condition object

The RmaCondition object can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data Type Description
name String Condition name
is_active Boolean Is condition active

RmaReason object

RMA Reason object

The RmaReason object can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data Type Description
name String Reason name
is_active Boolean Is reason active

RmaResolution object

RMA Resolution object

The RmaResolution object can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data Type Description
name String Resolution name
is_active Boolean Is resolution active

Mutation object

The Mutation object can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data Type Description
createRma CreateRmaOutput Create RMA

CreateRmaInput object

Defines the input to the run createRma mutation

The CreateRmaInput object can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data Type Description
guest_customer RmaGuestCustomerInput Defines guest customer information
rma_orders [RmaOrderInput!]! Defines orders information
custom_fields [RmaCustomFieldInput] List of custom fields
agree_box Boolean Agree with RMA policy text
reply String RMA Customer message

CreateRmaOutput object

Defines the output for the createRma mutation

The CreateRmaOutput object can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data Type Description
rma Rma! Rma Object

RmaGuestCustomerInput object

Defines RMA guest customer information

The RmaGuestCustomerInput object can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data Type Description
order_id Int Order ID
customer_email String! Customer Email
customer_name String Customer Name

RmaOrderInput object

Defines RMA order information

The RmaOrderInput object can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data Type Description
order_id String! Order or Receipt #
store_id Int! Storeview ID
type String! Order type. Allowed values: regular, offline
items [RmaItemInput!]! List of RMA order items

RmaItemInput object

Defines RMA order item information

The RmaItemInput object can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data Type Description
order_item_id Int! Order item ID
qty_requested Int! Qty requested to return
product_sku String! Product Sku
condition_id Int Condition ID
reason_id Int Reason ID
resolution_id Int Resolution ID

RmaCustomFieldInput object

Defines RMA custom field information

The RmaCustomFieldInput object can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data Type Description
code String Product Sku
value String Condition Code

Rma object

Defines RMA information

The Rma object can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data Type Description
increment_id String RMA #
status_id Int Status ID
date_requested String Requested date

orders [RmaOrder] Defines RMA orders list messages | [RmaMessage] | Defines RMA messages information return_address | String | Rma return address information

RmaOrder object

Defines RMA orders list

The RmaOrder object can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data Type Description
order_number String Order #
type String Order type. Allowed values: regular, offline
items [RmaItem] Defines RMA order items information

RmaItem object

Defines RMA order item information

The RmaItem object can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data Type Description
order_number String Order #
image_url String Item image
item_name Int Item name
item_sku String Item sku
qty_requested Int Item qty requested
condition_id Int Condition ID
reason_id Int Reason ID
resolution_id Int Resolution ID

RmaMessage object

Defines RMA messages information

The RmaMessage object can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data Type Description
type String Message type. Possible values are: customer, user, system
author_name String Message author name
message String Message text
date String Message date
attachments MessageAttachment Message attachments information

MessageAttachment object

Message attachment information

The MessageAttachment object can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data Type Description
name String Attachment name
url String Attachment url