GraphQL Objects Reference
Query object
The Query
object can contain the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
customerRmas |
CustomerRmas | List of customer RMAs |
rmaDictionary |
RmaDictionary | List of RMA dictionaries |
CustomerRma object
RMA mapping fields
The CustomerRma
object can contain the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
id |
String | RMA ID |
increment_id |
String | The RMA number |
created_at |
String | Created at date |
status |
String | Status |
CustomerRmas object
Array of RMAs
The CustomerRmas
object can contain the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
items |
[CustomerRma] | Array of RMAs |
RmaDictionary object
RMA Dictionary
The RmaDictionary
object can contain the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
statuses |
[RmaStatus] | Array of RMA statuses |
conditions |
[RmaCondition] | Array of RMA conditions |
reasons |
[RmaReason] | Array of RMA reasons |
resolutions |
[RmaResolution] | Array of RMA resolutions |
RmaStatus object
RMA Status object
The RmaStatus
object can contain the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
name |
String | Status name |
is_active |
Boolean | Is status active |
color |
String | Status color |
is_visible |
Boolean | Is the status visible in the status bar |
RmaCondition object
RMA Condition object
The RmaCondition
object can contain the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
name |
String | Condition name |
is_active |
Boolean | Is condition active |
RmaReason object
RMA Reason object
The RmaReason
object can contain the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
name |
String | Reason name |
is_active |
Boolean | Is reason active |
RmaResolution object
RMA Resolution object
The RmaResolution
object can contain the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
name |
String | Resolution name |
is_active |
Boolean | Is resolution active |
Mutation object
The Mutation
object can contain the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
createRma |
CreateRmaOutput | Create RMA |
CreateRmaInput object
Defines the input to the run createRma mutation
The CreateRmaInput
object can contain the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
guest_customer |
RmaGuestCustomerInput | Defines guest customer information |
rma_orders |
[RmaOrderInput!]! | Defines orders information |
custom_fields |
[RmaCustomFieldInput] | List of custom fields |
agree_box |
Boolean | Agree with RMA policy text |
reply |
String | RMA Customer message |
CreateRmaOutput object
Defines the output for the createRma mutation
The CreateRmaOutput
object can contain the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
rma |
Rma! | Rma Object |
RmaGuestCustomerInput object
Defines RMA guest customer information
The RmaGuestCustomerInput
object can contain the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
order_id |
Int | Order ID |
customer_email |
String! | Customer Email |
customer_name |
String | Customer Name |
RmaOrderInput object
Defines RMA order information
The RmaOrderInput
object can contain the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
order_id |
String! | Order or Receipt # |
store_id |
Int! | Storeview ID |
type |
String! | Order type. Allowed values: regular, offline |
items |
[RmaItemInput!]! | List of RMA order items |
RmaItemInput object
Defines RMA order item information
The RmaItemInput
object can contain the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
order_item_id |
Int! | Order item ID |
qty_requested |
Int! | Qty requested to return |
product_sku |
String! | Product Sku |
condition_id |
Int | Condition ID |
reason_id |
Int | Reason ID |
resolution_id |
Int | Resolution ID |
RmaCustomFieldInput object
Defines RMA custom field information
The RmaCustomFieldInput
object can contain the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
code |
String | Product Sku |
value |
String | Condition Code |
Rma object
Defines RMA information
The Rma
object can contain the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
increment_id |
String | RMA # |
status_id |
Int | Status ID |
date_requested |
String | Requested date |
[RmaOrder] Defines RMA orders list
| [RmaMessage] | Defines RMA messages information
| String | Rma return address information
RmaOrder object
Defines RMA orders list
The RmaOrder
object can contain the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
order_number |
String | Order # |
type |
String | Order type. Allowed values: regular, offline |
items |
[RmaItem] | Defines RMA order items information |
RmaItem object
Defines RMA order item information
The RmaItem
object can contain the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
order_number |
String | Order # |
image_url |
String | Item image |
item_name |
Int | Item name |
item_sku |
String | Item sku |
qty_requested |
Int | Item qty requested |
condition_id |
Int | Condition ID |
reason_id |
Int | Reason ID |
resolution_id |
Int | Resolution ID |
RmaMessage object
Defines RMA messages information
The RmaMessage
object can contain the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
type |
String | Message type. Possible values are: customer, user, system |
author_name |
String | Message author name |
message |
String | Message text |
date |
String | Message date |
attachments |
MessageAttachment | Message attachments information |
MessageAttachment object
Message attachment information
The MessageAttachment
object can contain the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
name |
String | Attachment name |
url |
String | Attachment url |