
Custom Fields

Custom fields are poweful instrument to boost your return services, especially when you had defined additional Resolutions. You can use them to store additional information about RMA.

For example, when a customer confirms the shipment of RMA package, you can use custom fields to get additional information about the shipment (like carrier, tracking number).

How to create a new custom field

Go to the Sales > RMA > Custom Fields. Press the button Add New. You'll see the following edit page:

Custom Fields Edit Page

  • Title - Title of the field.
  • Code - A unique internal code of the field.
  • Type - Field type, which defines - which control element will be used for entering values. The following types are possible:
    • Text - One line text field.
    • Multi-line text - Multi-line text field (textarea).
    • Date - Date with calendar.
    • Checkbox - a checkbox
    • Drop-down list - a menu-like widget with drop-down select (also requires Options List).
  • Description - Description of the field. Will appear in interface as small tooltip.
  • Options list - Used only for fields with type drop-down list. Enter each value from the new line using the format:
    value1 | label1
    value2 | label2
  • Active - If this option is enabled, the custom field is active.
  • Sort Order - Displays the sequence of the fields.
  • Is required for staff - If this option is enabled, an agent is required to fill-in this field.
  • Is required for customers - If this option is enabled, a customer is required to fill-in this field.
  • Visible for customers in statuses - This option allows you to show the field to customers only in specified statuses of RMA.
  • Is show in confirm shipping dialog - If this option is enabled, this field will be shown in the confirm shipping dialog.
  • Is editable for customers - If this option is enabled, customers can enter a value to this field.


To insert a custom field value inside an email template, you can use the variable {{var rma.custom_field_code}}.