

When customer submits an RMA, it can mark, which service he would select - for example, Exchange or Refund. Typically, these two are enough to create reliable return service, but sometimes you need an extended resolutions - different kinds of Refund, or even Repair service.

Our extension allows you to create as many possible return Resolution, as your policy need.

Resolutions Grid

How to create a new resolution

Go to the Sales > RMA > Resolutions. Press the button Add New. You'll see following edit page:

Resolutions Edit Page

  • Title - Title of the reason.
  • Code - Unique internal code of the resolution.
  • Is Active - whether current condition is visible on RMA creation and edit page.
  • Is Exchange Order Allowed - if enabled, admin can create an Exchange order from RMA order page.
  • Is Replacement Order Allowed - if enabled, admin can create a Replace order from RMA order page.
  • Is Creditmemo Allowed - if enabled, admin can create a Credit Memo from RMA order page.
  • Sort Order - sorting order (used for displaying in drop-down menu).
