Manage Stopwords

Stopwords are words that have little lexical meaning or ambiguous meaning and are not useful during the search (ex. and, or, the, a, with, etc). Therefore, these words should be removed from search phrases to make them relevant.

You can either manually add stopwords, or import them from YAML-formatted file.

Adding New Stopword

  • Go to System -> Search Management -> Manage Stopwords grid and press Add New Stopword button.
  • On creation page, fill the following fields:
    • Stopword - is the keyword, which should be removed from search requests.
    • Store View - allows to select, where defined synonyms will be applied.
  • Save record.

Importing Stopwords

Our extension uses YAML file format for stopwords importing. It should resemble the following format:


Name of this file should be equal to your language code in capital case. Codes can be found here, use column 639-1 for that.


Let's create a stopwords file for English locale. Name of such a file would be EN.yaml, and it's content should be:


To import stopwords from such a file, perform the following steps:

  • Place your custom YAML file to the special [magento_root]/ folder.
  • Go to System -> Search Management -> Manage Stopwords and press Import Stopwords button.
  • Dictionary field defines locale (language), for which stopwords are imported. It is picked from the name of your YAML import files.
  • Store View defines storeview, where imported stopwords should be applied.
  • Press Import to import and apply stopwords.