
In this article you will find two possible ways of our extension's installation.

Installation via composer (preferably)

We recommend this installation method because composer automatically checks and installs necessary dependencies.

  1. Backup your store's database and web directory.
  2. Login to the SSH console of your server and navigate to the root directory of the Magento 2 store.
  3. If you bought the extension in the store, copy the installation instructions from the page My Downloadable Products / View & Download to the SSH console.
  4. If you bought the extension in the Magento Marketplace, run the command composer require mirasvit/module-search-ultimate in root folder of your store.
  5. To enable the extension run commands:
    php -f bin/magento module:enable Mirasvit_Core Mirasvit_Search Mirasvit_SearchMysql Mirasvit_SearchSphinx Mirasvit_SearchAutocomplete Mirasvit_Misspell Mirasvit_SearchLanding Mirasvit_Report Mirasvit_SearchReport Mirasvit_SearchElasticNative
    php -f bin/magento setup:upgrade
  6. Clean the cache

    php -f bin/magento cache:clean
  7. Deploy static view files

    rm -rf pub/static/*     
    rm -rf var/view_preprocessed/*  
    php -f bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy  
  8. Reindex search spell-correction index
    php -f bin/magento indexer:reindex mst_misspell
  9. Go to System / Search Indexes, configure Product index and run the reindex for it.

Installation via direct file upload

You can also install the extension via direct files uploading.

  1. If you bought the extension in the store, go to My Downloadable Products / View & Download. Download the extension package.
  2. If you bought the extension in the Magento Marketplace, you are not able to install the extension via direct file upload. You need to do installation via composer. Or contact Mirasvit support team.
  3. Unpack .zip package and copy contents to magento root directory
  4. Login to the SSH console of your server and navigate to the magento root directory.
  5. To enable the extension run commands:
    php -f bin/magento module:enable Mirasvit_Core Mirasvit_Search Mirasvit_SearchMysql Mirasvit_SearchSphinx Mirasvit_SearchAutocomplete Mirasvit_Misspell Mirasvit_SearchLanding Mirasvit_Report Mirasvit_SearchReport
    php -f bin/magento setup:upgrade
  6. Clean the cache

    php -f bin/magento cache:clean
  7. Deploy static view files

    rm -rf pub/static/*     
    rm -rf var/view_preprocessed/*  
    php -f bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy  
  8. Reindex search spell-correction index
    php -f bin/magento indexer:reindex mst_misspell
  9. Go to System / Search Indexes, configure Product index and run the reindex for it.

Learn about the initial setup: