Refer to the sections below for detailed instructions on configuring each parameter.
📄️ General settings
In this section, you can configure performance, caching, statistics, authentication, debugging, and other settings for optimal extension performance.
📄️ Sources
Sources allow you to specify the origin from which URLs for your website will be obtained. Once you configure and synchronize your sources, you can use them based on the conditions set in the Warm rules.
📄️ Warm rules
Use Warm rules to configure how the extension should warm URLs. Pages that match these conditions will be placed in the warmer's queue according to the priority of this rule. Pages' popularity will still be considered. Pages will be ordered by the priority of the warm rules and then by their popularity.
📄️ Pages
Used for monitoring the performance of the extension, as well as for manually managing individual pages. To work with it, navigate to System -> Page Cache Warmer -> Pages.
📄️ Jobs
Used to check the job queue, get reports on the launch of each cron task and other technical information. To work with it, navigate to System -> Page Cache Warmer -> Jobs.
📄️ Cache flushes
Used to check the Cache flushes queue, get reports on the launch of each task and other technical information. To work with it, navigate to System -> Page Cache Warmer -> Cache Flushes.
📄️ Efficiency report
Extension provide a simple efficiency reports for Built-in mode. To check it navigate to System > Page Cache Warmer > Efficiency Report