Refer to the sections below for detailed instructions on configuring each parameter.
📄️ Layered navigation filters
This section describes the settings for configuring the behavior of filters, their appearance, and SEO settings.
📄️ Filter SEO URLs
This section describes the settings for SEO friendly layered navigation URLs module that makes standard URLs more SEO valuable and human-readable.
📄️ Brand pages
This section covers settings for configuring brand behavior and appearance on product and catalog pages. For settings specific to brand pages, see manage brand page.
📄️ AJAX pagination/Infinite scroll
This section describes the settings for different scroll modes, designed for easier and smoother navigation through category pages.
📄️ Quick navigation bar
This section describes the settings for quick navigation bar — a block that displays mostly popular filters of current category at the top of the page, allowing customers to have quick access to them.
📄️ All products page
This section describes the settings available for configuring your all products page, which allows you to display your entire catalog in one place.
📄️ Manage brand
This section describes options used in creating and editing brand pages. They are located in Content -> Manage brand pages -> Add brand page/Edit brand page.
📄️ Product attributes navigation options
The extension adds additional options to product attributes used to build layered navigation.
📄️ Grouped options
The Layered Navigation extension allows combining attribute values into a single filter option for easier navigation.
📄️ Landing pages
Landing pages are often used to showcase a specific selection of products (dedicated, for example, to events or activities) while adding unique descriptions and images, and setting distinguish configurations for search engines.