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How to set different pagination mode

This guide describes how to to configure different pagination modes to enhance the user experience while navigating through category pages. To configure the scrolling mode, go to Stores -> Configuration -> AJAX pagination/Infinite scroll.


Configurations can be accessed by unticking 'Use system value' checkbox.

1. Choose the pagination mode

Choose the desired scrolling mode in the Select pagination style dropdown. Product listing pages can be loaded infinitely, loaded additionally by a button click, or inherit Magento's default pagination.


Load more button with Default pagination

2. If you use custom layout theme, customize list selector

Use CSS selectors for product list field to set custom selectors of your theme. CSS selector is used to initialize scroll functionality. You can find what selectors are used in your theme by inspecting the elements of product listing page with developer tools in browser. Usually, they look like <div class="products wrapper ...">. Selectors adding order is unnecessary, separate multiple selectors with commas.


After saving the configuration, clear the Magento cache to apply changes.

You can find description of used configurations on the AJAX pagination/Infinite scroll page.