
Managing Gift Registries

Gift Registry is the only entity in our extension, which can be created only by customer.

Backend provides only means of viewing and editing of already created registries in order to maintain store's policy.

All registries are located at their respective grid at Customers -> Gift Registry -> Registries.

It provides you with two useful mass actions:

  • Change status - allows you to disable registries, that should not be used any longer, or enable them back.
  • Delete - allows you to remove unnecessary registries.

Also, using Guest View link you can preview customer's Gift Registry in frontend.

How to edit and manage Gift Registry

Pick up a registry and enter its edition page. It divided to three separate tabs: General, Products and Orders - each contains respective information.

General tab is totally built from sections, defined for given type of Event.

For reference on fields, displayed here, check respective record of Event Type at Customers -> Gift Registry -> Events Types. Then pick up sections, defined there, and proceed to Form Registry Sections grid - where you can see fields, assigned to that sections.

Products tab contains product list, that customer had added to his registry. You can forcibly add there additional products, using Add Product button above products grid. There's also a mass Delete actions, that allows you to remove unnecessary products from Gift Registry.

Product records here also are editable - you need just to click on respective product. It will bring you to the Item editing dialog, which consists of following fields:

  • Qty - is the quantity of this product, that customer wishes to have.
  • Ordered Qty - is the quantity of actually ordered products from this Gift Registry.
  • Received Qty - is the actually received products by customer.
  • Priority - defines importance of this product for a customer.
  • Note - additional note on this product.

Orders contains just a list of Orders, made from current Gift Registry, with a filter for quick searching.