

Notifications are the carriers for messages. Each notification contains a message, that a customer should receive, and a link to be clicked - which are defined separately in Templates.

There are two types of notifications':

  • Manual Notification - extension sends a push to all subscribers.
  • Triggered Notification - extension sends push to the particular customer on the firing of event, which is assigned to the notification.

All of them are located in their dedicated Grid at Marketing -> Push Notifications -> Notifications, which provides the following information per row:

  • ID - database unique identifier of Notificator.
  • Status - whether notification is enabled and sent to the customer.
  • State - is the possible state of Notification. There are four possible values:
    • Draft - default state for all notifications, which are not active.
    • Pending - is a state for manual notifications, which are not yet sent, or triggered, which are not yet bound to event.
    • Scheduled - is a state for triggered notifications, which are bound to event.
    • Sent - is a state for manual notifications, which are sent to customers.
  • Type - is the type of notification (see above)
  • Pushed - how many pushes of this notification were sent.
  • Fetched - how many pushes of this notification were received by customers.
  • Clicked - how many links, associated with templates, were followed.

Additional column Action allows you to edit notification or delete it. Mass actions are not available.

Here you can also create new Notification.

How to create New Notification

Visit Marketing -> Push Notifications -> Notifications, and press Add New Notification. It will bring you to the creation page, which contains the following fields:

  • Name - is the sensical name of the notification. It will not be seen by the customer, instead the Subject of Template will be used.
  • Active - whether notification is active.
  • Template - template, which contains message, pushed to customer. Read more at Template section.
  • Notification Type - type of notification. There are two possible options, which triggers different kinds of Schedule subsection:
    • Manual Notification - selects schedule pane for manual notifications.
    • Triggered Notification - selects event binding.

After a notification type is selected, Schedule subsection is displayed with different options for sending notifications. Below are explained different kinds of that section.

Schedule for Manual Notification

Schedule - defines the type of sending a push to the customer. There are two available options:

  • Send immediately - push will be sent just on notification activation. It is very useful for an emergency announcement (store maintenance, etc.).
  • Schedule Push - brings hidden field, which schedules push to a certain date.
    • Schedule Date - triggered, when Schedule Push is selected. It dispatches a push message to be sent on certain date. Notification is pushed on the first cron executing on that date. Useful for announcing a marketing campaign start and ends.

Schedule for Triggered Notification

  • Trigger Event - allows binding a notification to a certain event.

All events, which push can be bound to, grouped into logical categories. Here is their respective list:

  • Customer

    • Logged In - the push is sent on customer login.
    • Logged Out - the push is sent on customer logout.
    • Sign Up - push is sent on signing up a new customer.
    • Birthday - push is sent on the birthday of the customer.


  • Admin

    • Logged In - the push is sent on successful logging in staff. Useful for announcing about some service (chat, online consultation, and so on).
    • Login Failed - the push is sent on failed logging in staff.


  • Cron

    • Cron Job - push will be sent on each execution of our extension's respective cron task push_notification_event.


  • Product

    • Decreased QTY - push will be sent on a product sale.
    • View - push will be sent on each product view.


  • Newsletter

    • Customer was subscribed - push will be sent on subscription event.
    • Customer was unsubscribed - push will be sent on unsubscription event.
    • Customer subscription was changed - push will be sent on both above events.


  • Shopping Cart

    • Abandoned Shopping Cart - push will be sent when a customer session was expired, but his cart contains products.


  • Sales

    • Order was changed - push will be sent on every order saving (leaving a comment, state change, invoicing, shipping, etc.).
    • Order obtained Canceled status - push will be sent on order cancellation.
    • Order obtained Closed status - push will be sent on order closing.
    • Order obtained Completed status - push will be sent on order completion (e. q. invoicing & shipping).
    • Order obtained Suspected Fraud status - push will be sent on failing order fraud check.
    • Order obtained On Hold status - push will be sent on freezing the order.
    • Order obtained Pending status - push will be sent immediately after the order is placed.

    Additional events can be added to this category automatically, based on order statuses, defined at Stores -> Order Status.

  • Wishlist

    • New product added to the Wishlist - push will be sent on placing a product to the wishlist.
    • Wishlist was shared - push will be sent whenever the customer shares his wishlist.


  • Admin Notification

    • New Notification - push will be sent whenever the system admin message has arrived.


  • Review

    • New Review was added - push will be sent whenever a customer places a review.
    • Review has been approved - push will be sent, whenever customer review is approved.