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How to get a Facebook app ID


Important: For instructions on how to create a Facebook Application, refer to this guide. You can create a Facebook app here.

  1. Log in to Facebook and navigate to the Facebook App Center. Click on the Create App button.
  2. Provide the following details:
    • Display name: Use a meaningful name for your app (e.g., your store’s name).
    • Contact email: The email associated with the app (should match your Facebook account).
  3. Once the app is created, go to App settings -> Basic. Your App ID will be displayed at the top:

    Facebook App ID

    Facebook App ID

  4. In App settings -> Basic, add the following details:
    • App domains: Enter your store’s base URL (e.g.,
    • Category: Choose Business and Pages.
  5. Save the app and enter your App ID in the Facebook App ID field under Stores -> Settings -> Configuration -> Mirasvit Extensions -> Social Networks Settings -> Facebook Settings.