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How to make a customer earn points after buying specific products

This can be done in two ways: using Product or Cart conditions.

Create an earning rule and select the type Cart rule:

  • To control both the products and the quantity:
    • Go to the Conditions tab and add a new condition. From the drop-down list, select Product subselection. This will create a nested conditions block with a master condition that filters the number of selected products;
    • In this nested block, set the quantity that should trigger the rule. For example, to award a customer for buying three (3) items, the condition should be: If the total quantity is equal to or greater than 3 for a subselection of items in the Cart matching ALL of these conditions;
    • In the nested block, add the product category, SKU, or other attributes that should trigger the rule, as described in the Product rule.
  • To control only the presence of the product in the Cart:
    • Go to the Actions tab, and create a new condition in the Apply the rule only to cart items matching the following conditions section;
    • Add the appropriate product attributes that should trigger the rule, as described above.

If using a Cart rule, do not use both approaches simultaneously as they will conflict. Instead, create two Earning rules and refer to the next case for proper rule triggering.