Follow Up Email

Creating a Campaign

The simplest way to create a Campaign is to use the Duplicate action, and then adjust it to your needs.

Still, in most cases, you will need a custom campaign. You can create one by pressing Create Campaign button at Marketing -> Follow-Up Email -> Manage Campaigns. It will bring you to the first stage of Campaign creation:

Stage One

At this stage, you can select one of the suggested (and defined before) campaigns as a template. Pressing on one of them is identical to employing the Duplicate function - our extension will create a campaign using one of the pre-defined templates, automatically creating all necessary events and triggers.

There is also a Custom Campaign button. It starts creating a Campaign from scratch, and brings you to the empty Campaign workspace.

To operate successfully, a Campaign needs to have one or more Triggers assigned to it. You can add a Trigger by pressing the Add Trigger button. You will then see a Trigger definition dialog which contains the basic data, broken into three categories:

Add Trigger

  • General Information
    • Title - a sensible name for a Trigger
    • Is Active - defines whether a Trigger is active, and emails should flow
    • Active From, Active To - defines the date period during which a Trigger should be active
    • Store View - defines which store Trigger should work on.
  • Sender Details
    • Sender Email - email address which will be used for sending emails
    • Sender Name - name (or title), which will be used for sending emails
    • Send a copy to email - here you can add one or more emails, where blind copies of all emails within this Trigger will be sent. It is used for email flow analysis.
  • Google Analytics Campaign - a unique feature that allows you to analyze the number of visits, conversion rate, time of visits, etc. for those who arrive after reading a specific email. Read more about this service.
    • Campaign Source - defines the search engine, newsletter name, or other data sources. (available: email, follow-up-email, newsletter)
    • Campaign Medium - defines which medium analytics shall be used, e.g. cpc, banner, email.
    • Campaign Name - the name of your Google Analytics service.
    • Campaign Term - paid keywords for your campaign.


After configuring the Google Analytics section, the extension will automatically add special GET params to all links in the emails. This way, following them will be recorded by Google automatically without any additional adjustments.

Example: will be converted to

To track the campaign performance at Google Analytics, log in to your Google account and go to Traffic Sources -> Campaigns. Select the campaign source from the list, and you will receive a report.

After the Trigger is attached to the Campaign, you need to set it up and assign audience.