Follow Up Email

List of Events

Customer Events


  • Customer Logged In

  • Customer Logged out

  • New Customer Sign up

  • Customer Birthday

  • Newsletter subscription

    By default, Magento sends its own Success Email Template after a new client has subscribed to a newsletter.
    If you want to use our module for this type of email, you need to disable the standard Magento template.
    To disable it, navigate to Stores > Settings > Configuration > Customers > Newsletter, and selected the option Disable for the Success Email Template field.

  • Newsletter Unsubscription

Shopping Cart


  • Abandoned Shopping Cart

    The event is triggered when the shopping cart is not updated in the last 60 minutes.

  • Product price was changed

Order Events


  • Order obtained a new status

  • Order obtained '###' status

    • Order obtained 'Pending' status

    • Order obtained 'Processing' status

    • Order obtained 'Completed' status

    • ...

Product Events


  • Product view

Wishlist Events


  • Product was added to wishlist

  • Wishlist was shared

Review Events


  • New review was added

  • Review has been approved