Follow Up Email

GDPR Compliance Tips

Since our module collects user data for sending emails, please check out some tips for making the extension fully compliant with the GDPR:

  1. Send emails only to confirmed customers. You can use the rules to filter the target audience:


    • Customer: Is subscriber of the newsletter is Yes
  2. There is a cron job email_clean_history which removes a month's worth of old emails and events
  3. You can disable automatic guest user data capturing
  4. You can manually delete all of the stored user data:
    • To remove emails, go to Marketing > Follow Up Email > Mail Log, select the required emails, choose the Delete option in the Actions dropdown, and press Submit.
    • To remove registered events, go to Marketing > Follow Up Email > Event Log, select the required events, choose the Delete option in the Actions dropdown, and press Submit.
    • To reset a particular statistics go to Marketing > Follow Up Email > Settings, press the button Reset Statistics at the Statistics tab.
  5. Do not forget to include the unsubscription link to the emails using the variable {{ url.unsubscribe_newsletter_url }} - to unsubscribe from all triggers and the newsletter.