
Welcome to the Event Watcher User Manual

Whether you are new to Event Watcher or an advanced user, you can find some useful information here.

In this guide, you'll learn how to:

How to install the extension

How to install the extension Backup your store database and web directory. Login to SSH console on your server and navigate to the root directory of the Magento 2 store. Copy installation instructions from the page My Downloadable Products to SSH consol...

General Settings

General Settings Go to System -> Event Watcher and Notification -> Settings. You will see the following settings: Events Allowed Error Level - allows you to select registered error levels by the extension. Note The Error event has multiple leve...

Setting Up a Channel

Setting Up a Channel Channel is a medium used for communication or the passage of information to the target recipient or a group of recipients. Out of the box, our extension provides 3 channels: Email - allows you to receive regular messages through you...

Setting Up a Recipient

Setting Up a Recipient Recipient is a target person who will receive the messages sent by notification. To create a new channel follow these steps: Go to System > Event Watcher and Notification > Manage Recipients. Press button Add New Recipient. ...

Setting Up a Notification

Setting Up a Notification Notification purpose is to send messages to the specified recipients when some certain event has occurred in your system. In this context, an event is the certain action of a visitor of your site (e.g., login, registration, plac...

Working with Templates

Working with Templates Templates are the basic building blocks of Notifications sent to selected recipients (store admins, for example). How to Create or Edit a Template The templates are used together with notification and can contain information about t...

List of Events

List of Events Event is a certain action of a visitor to your site (e.g., login, registration, placing an order) or an action of a system (e.g., change order status, cron job execution). Events are used in the notifications as a signal for the extensio...

Event Log

Event Log Event Log is a special Grid, which holds all registered notifications sent to recipients with respective information on each event. It is a great tool for analyzing store performance. The grid provides the following data: Identifier - a type of...


Troubleshooting You do not receive messages In order to send messages, the extension starts a background process, which runs continuously. It listens for the new registered events and sends notifications. This background process is launched by cron, an...

How to upgrade the extension

How to upgrade the extension To upgrade the extension, follow these steps: Backup your store's database and web directory. Login to the SSH console of your server and navigate to the root directory of the Magento 2 store. Run command composer require mir...

Disabling Extension

Disabling Extension Temporarily Disable To temporarily disable the extension please follow these steps: Login to the SSH console on your server and navigate to the root directory of the Magento 2 store. Run command php -f bin/magento module:disable Miras...

Change Log

Change Log 1.5.0 (2024-08-21) Fixed Rendering PHP code removed from templates for security reasons 1.4.5 (2024-08-15) Fixed Fixed the issue when the Mirasvit_Email module is not installed (Impossible to process constructor argument Parameter [#4]() [ ...