
Quick Start

Our Push Notifications extension can be easily used out-of-box, and you can start building your push messages policy just after installation:

  1. Start with Templates. They define messages, which you can push to your customers.

  2. Each Template can be used for constructing one or more Notifications, which are actually will be pushed. They can be bound to certain customer actions or pushed on schedule making your notification policy flexible and convenient.

  3. Create customizable Prompts for your customers to ask them to join your push notifications policy.

  4. Monitor your push notifications policy with Subscribers grid, which holds all information about customers, which receive your pushes.

  5. When your subscribers' audience grows, think about purchasing Mirasvit Advanced Reports extension. It will allow you to build integrated reports, so you can measure your policy efficiency even better.

This will be good for a start. Refer to corresponding sections of our manual to know more.