
Layout Editor

The extension provides the ability to configure the layout for every page type of the extension separately.
Go to the Content -> Blog MX by Mirasvit -> Layout Editor or click the Layout Editor button in the Layout Settings section of the extension's configurations to open the Layout Editor.
The extension has preconfigured layouts for each page type. You can use preconfigured layouts or adjust them according to your needs.


The Layout Editor interface has 2 sections.

The first section has 2 configuration fields of general settings:

  • Page Type - select the page type for which the layout will be configured. Layout settings should be saved before changing the page type. Otherwise, all unsaved configurations will be lost after changing the page type.
  • Layout - select the layout mode for the current page type. Available layout modes are 1 column, 2 columns with left bar, 2 columns with right bar, and 3 columns.

The second section is the Layout Editor itself. It contains 3 containers where different blocks (widgets) can be placed.
The position of those containers depends on the layout selected in the first section.

To add a new block (widget) click the + button at the bottom of the container in which the block should be inserted. After clicking this button a new block will be inserted at the bottom of the corresponding container.

To configure the newly added or existing block click on the gear icon (edit button) in the top right corner of the block. After clicking on this button the modal will be open with configurations of the block.
For a newly created block, the modal will contain only one configuration field - Widget Type. After selecting the type of the widget the configurations related to this widget type will be displayed. More information about configurations for different blocks can be found in the Widgets section of this manual.


To change the position of the block click and hold on the arrows icon, move the block to the place where it should be placed, and drop the widget there.


To delete the block click on the thrash bin icon (delete button) in the top right corner of the block.

After the layout for the page is configured press the Save button to save the layout configurations for the current page type.
No changes will be applied to the layout configurations of the page until the configurations are saved.
Clean the cache of your Magento store after the layout for blog pages is configured and saved.

Handle theme changes

When the layout for any blog page is saved the extension generates widgets for each block for all active themes in the store.
If the theme for any store view is changed to previously inactive or a new theme the command bin/magento mirasvit:blog:update-layout should be executed. The execution of this command will update widgets for all active themes in the store so blog pages will have proper content for each storeview.