Advanced Product Feeds


Filters are simple methods that modify the output of numbers, strings, variables, and arrays. They are placed within an output tag {{ }} and are separated with a pipe character |.

String/HTML Filters

  • lowercase - converts a string into lowercase.

    {{ | lowercase }}

    Original: Dash Digital Watch
    Output  : dash digital watch
  • uppercase - converts a string into uppercase.

    {{ | lowercase }}

    Original: Dash Digital Watch
  • replace - replaces all occurrences of a string with a substring.

    {{ | replace: 'Digital', 'Analog' }}

    Original: Dash Digital Watch
    Output  : Dash Analog watch
  • append - appends characters to a string.

    {{ | append: ' - best choice' }}

    Original: Dash Digital Watch
    Output  : Dash Digital Watch - best choice
  • prepend - prepends characters to a string.

    {{ | prepend: 'Best choice - ' }}

    Original: Dash Digital Watch
    Output  : Best choice - Dash Digital Watch
  • capitalize - capitalizes the first word in a string.

    {{ product.color | capitalize }}

    Original: dark red
    Output  : Dark red
  • escape - escapes HTML tags in a string.

    {{ product.description | escape }

  • nl2br - inserts a <br> linebreak HTML tag in front of each line break in a string.

    {{ product.short_description | nl2br }

  • remove - removes all occurrences of a substring from a string.

    {{ | remove: 'Digital' }}

    Original: Dash Digital Watch
    Output  : Dash Watch
  • stripHtml - strips all HTML tags from a string.

    {{ product.description | stripHtml }

  • strip all newlines (\n, \r) from a string.

    {{ product.description | strip_newlines }}

  • Replace each newline (\n) with html break - replace \n to the <br>.

    {{ product.description | newline_to_br }}

  • truncate - truncates a string down to 'x' characters.

    {{ | truncate: '15' }}

    Original: Dash Digital Watch
    Output  : ash Digital Wa
  • truncate string down to x words - truncates a string down to 'x' words.

    {{ | truncatewords: '2' }}

     Original: Dash Digital Watch
     Output  : Dash Digital
  • plain - converts any text to plain format.

    {{ product.description | plain }}

  • ifEmpty - return argument, if the value is an empty string

    {{ product.color | ifEmpty: 'Multi color' }}

    Output  : Multi color
  • dateFormat - converts string to specified date-time format.

    {{ product.created_at | dateFormat: 'd.m.Y H:i' }}

    Original: 2016-02-18 10:11:12
    Output  : 18.02.2016 10:11
  • json - converts an object or array to JSON format.

    {{ | json }}

Number Filters

  • ceil - rounds an output up to the nearest integer.

    {{ product.weight | ceil }}

    Original: 1.423 
    Output  : 2
  • floor - rounds an output down to the nearest integer.

    {{ product.weight | floor }}

    Original: 1.423 
    Output  : 1
  • round - rounds the output to the nearest integer or specified number of decimals.

    {{ product.weight | round: '2' }}

    Original: 1.423 
    Output  : 1.42

    {{ product.weight | round }}

    Original: 1.423 
    Output  : 1
  • numberFormat - formats the number to a specified format (php function).

    {{ product.price | numberFormat: '2', '.', ',' }}

Price/Currency Filters

  • price - formats a price to the default format.

    {{ product.price | price }}

    Original: 100.4200
    Output  : 100.42
  • convert - converts a price from the base currency to the specified currency.

    {{ product.price | convert: 'EUR' }}

    Original: 100
    Output  : 92.28
  • inclTax - include a tax to the product price.

    {{ product.price | inclTax | price }}

  • exclTax - exclude a tax from the product price.

    {{ product.price | exclTax | price }}

  • Addition - adds the specified value.

    {{ product.price | plus: '2' }}

     Original: 100
     Output  : 102
  • Subtraction - subtracts the specified value.

    {{ product.price | minus: '2' }}

     Original: 100
     Output  : 98
  • Multiplication - multiplied by the specified value.

    {{ product.price | times: '2' }}

    Original: 100
    Output  : 200
  • Division - divided by the specified value.

    {{ product.price | divided_by: '2' }}

    Original: 100
    Output  : 50
  • Modulo - the remainder after dividing by the specified value.

    {{ product.price | modulo: '2' }}
     Original: 100
     Output  : 0

Array Filters

  • first - return the first element in the array.

  • last - return the last element in the array.

  • join - join an array to a string using glue.

  • count - return the number of elements in the array.

  • select - select values for a key from the array.

URL Filters

  • secure - return a secure URL (with https://)

  • unsecure - return an unsecure URL (with http://)

  • mediaSecure - return a media URL using "Base URL for User Media Files"

    {{ product.image | mediaSecure }}

    Output  :
  • mediaUnsecure - return a media URL using "Secure Base URL for User Media Files "

    {{ product.image | mediaUnsecure }}

    Output  :

Image Filters

  • resize - resize an image

    {{ product.image | resize: 100, 100 }}

    Output  :


  • {{ | truncate: '150' }}
  • {{ product.description | plain | truncate: '1000' }}
  • {{ product.weight | round: '2' }} kg
  • {{ product.manufacturer | ifEmpty: 'not set' }}