Advanced Seo Suite

SEO General Configuration

All SEO settings are located at Marketing -> Advanced SEO Suite > Settings -> SEO and are broken down into the following sections:

General Settings

  • Enable Link Rel="next/prev" - adds pagination <link rel="next/prev" .. > to the head of your products list pages. This feature is highly recommended by Google.


    Please note that if AJAX technology is used on some of your pages (for example, on categories), a human user may need to refresh (reload) the page to check actual canonicals, alternates, and hreflang tags in the source code of a page (since AJAX does not alter them). However, as Google crawlers always load pages anew when they follow any URL, the search engine's bots will always see the correct meta data on your page (meta data is designed for search engines rather than human visitors).


  • Add Canonical URL Meta Header - If this option is enabled, the tag <link rel="canonical" href="" /> will be added to the META-tags of your store.
  • Use longest product URL as canonical - If the category path is used in product URLs and certain products reside in several sub-categories - the deepest category tree path will be used for the canonical meta tag. Require the enabled option "Use Categories Path for Product URLs" from the Configuration > Catalog > Catalog > Search Engine Optimization.
  • Associated Products Canonical Tag for Configurable Products - if set to "Parent Product": if a Simple Product has a Configurable Product as a Parent Product, then for the simple Product, the Canonical URL will be a Configurable Product URL.
  • Associated Products Canonical Tag for Grouped Products - if set to "Parent Product": if a Simple Product has a Grouped Product as a Parent Product, then for the simple Product, the Canonical URL will be a Grouped Product URL.
  • Associated Products Canonical Tag for Bundle Products - if set to "Parent Product": if a Simple Product has a Bundle Product as a Parent Product, then for the simple Product, the Canonical URL will be a Bundle Product URL.
  • Canonical to store without store code - provides the possibility of cutting the store code from the canonical URL if the option "Configuration->GENERAL->Web->Add Store Code to Urls" is enabled.
  • Cross Domain Canonical URL - sets the default cross-domain canonical URL for a multistore configuration. For more information, see Cross-domain Canonical URL.
  • Prefer https for Cross Domain Canonical URL - Use the https url for Cross Domain Canonical.
  • Add '?p=' to paginated content - if set to "Yes", the canonical link will include information about the current page; otherwise, the canonical on paginated content will point to the category URL.
  • Don't use canonical URLs on pages - the list of pages where the Canonical Meta tags will not be added. This can be a full action name or a request path. Examples:


    *cell-phones* - exclude URLs which contain the phrase 'cell-phones'
    *cell-phones/nokia-2610-phone.html -  exclude URLs which have end path: 'cell-phones/nokia-2610-phone.html'
    Wildcards are allowed:

Meta Robots

  • Robots Meta Header - allows you to instruct robots not to index the content of a page, and/or not to scan it for links to follow. The URL pattern can be a full action name or a request path. Wildcards are allowed. Examples:


    *cell-phones*                           INDEX, NOFOLLOW
    *cell-phones/nokia-2610-phone.html      NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW
    customer_account_*                      NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW
    /customer/account/*                     NOINDEX, FOLLOW
    *?mode=list                             INDEX, NOFOLLOW
    Examples for layered navigation:
    filterattribute_(manufacturer)          INDEX, NOFOLLOW
    filterattribute_(1level)                NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW

    Read more about Robots.txt.

  • Robots Meta Header for HTTPS - allows you to add headers like "NOINDEX, FOLLOW", "INDEX, NOFOLLOW", "NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW" only for https store.


  • Enable Link Rel="alternate" and hreflang - sets "alternate" and "hreflang" tags for multilingual stores. More detailed information:

    If you have a multilingual store, you need to configure a second "hreflang" parameter ("language" from country/language pair) for those store views who need this. To set the appropriate language for the store view, go to Stores > Configuration > General and select the required store view. At the tab Locale Options, select the appropriate locale for this store view and save it. This selected locale code will be the first code of the hreflang parameter. To set the alternate and hreflang tags, go to SEO > Settings and select the appropriate Store View where you use another language. Untick the Use Website on the line Enable Link Rel="alternate" and hreflang and select the value Add for every website from the drop-down list. After this action, a new field will appear: Hreflang locale code (not necessary) where you can additionally set the language code which will be added to the alternate URL as a second parameter.

    Alternatively, you may set the "Enable Link Rel="alternate" and hreflang" option to "Configure manually". This way, you can manually determine which store views are alternative versions of each other by setting them in the same store group, individually determining the HrefLang part of an alternate meta link for each store. All configuration, in this case, takes place on the "Default Config" scope in the admin panel.


    This is an optional setting that is meant for adjusting alternate links combination if you are not happy with the automatic generation of those links. If you are unsure what to enter in those fields - using "Add for every website" setting of "Enable Link Rel="alternate" and hreflang" is recommended.


    Google does not recommend using the URLs with a parameter for the multilingual stores ?, such as: To get more information about Google multilingual URLs requirements, you can read this article: Multi-regional and multilingual sites

    How to set "alternate" and "hreflang" tags for CMS pages

    To tell the Magento system that some of CMS pages are "alternates", you need to add these pages in one Alternate group. Alternate group - is an additional parameter that is added by our module (it can be used by any word in this field). CMS page will have alternate links of pages with the same Alternate Group name.

SEO Templates and Rewrites


  • Use meta tags from categories if they are not empty - if the option is enabled, Meta Title, Meta Description and Meta Keywords from the General Information tab will be applied to the child categories (only if they are not empty). If this option is enabled, the SEO values from the category General Information tab will prevail over the category SEO tab. To apply H1 to the current category, add H1 text to the Page Header in the General Information tab. If meta tags from the parent category are empty, the child categories and products will only use their own meta tags.
  • Use meta tags from products if they are not empty - if the option is enabled, Meta Title, Meta Description and Meta Keywords from the product Meta Information tab will be applied to the products (only if they are not empty). If the option is enabled, the SEO's values for the product's Meta Information tab will prevail over the category's SEO tab.
  • Add "Page Title Prefix/Suffix" to custom Meta Title - If option enabled, the extension would add default prefix/suffix for custom meta titles too.


  • Page Number for Meta Title - adds Page Number to the Meta Title. Example: Page 2 | Meta Title Text.
  • Page Number for Meta Description - adds the Page Number to the Meta Description. Example: Page 2 | Meta Description Text.


  • Allow for the use of HTML symbols in meta tags - allow for use of HTML symbols like &, < etc. in meta tags.
  • Max Length for Meta Title - set the maximum length of the Meta Title. If the actual Meta Title is longer, it will be automatically cropped. If a value of less than 25 is set, the default value of 55 characters will be used instead.
  • Max Length for Meta Description - set the maximum length of Meta Description. If the actual Meta Description is longer, it will be automatically cropped. If a value of less than 25 is set, the default value of 150 characters will be used instead.
  • Max Length for Product Name - set the maximum length for the Product Name. If the actual Name is longer, it will be automatically cropped. If a value of less than 10 is specified, the default value of 25 characters will be used instead.
  • Max Length for Product Short Description - set the maximum length for the Product Description. If the actual Description is longer, it will be automatically cropped. If a value of less than 25 is specified, the default value of 90 characters will be used instead.

Extended Settings

  • Redirect URLs to lowercase - if set to Yes, this allows you to automatically redirect all URLs typed in mixed case to the same URL, but in lower case.

SEO-friendly URLs Settings

  • Remove the Parent Category Path for Category URLs - if enabled, it removes the parent category path for category URLs.
  • Product URL Key Template - Allows you to set the URL key template for store pages. Leave the field empty to disable it.


    In the template, you can use any product attributes as variables in the format [product_attribute](e.g. [product_name], [product_brand]).

    To activate a new Product URL Key Template, click the button Save config to apply changes. After that, run the ssh command: php bin/magento mirasvit:seo:product-url-template --apply to activate URL template
  • Apply URL Key for new products - if enabled, the extension will apply Product URL Key Template for newly created products. Only affect products that are manually created in the admin panel.
  • Trailing Slash - Manage trailing slash “/” at the end of each store URL. See possible options below.


There are 3 options for the Trailing Slash parameter:

  • Disabled
  • Redirect to the same page with Trailing Slash - if a certain URL does not match the trailing slash settings, the user will be redirected to the same URL, but with a proper trailing slash.
  • Redirect to the same page without Trailing Slash - the user will be redirected to the same page, but without trailing slash.

Images Settings


After making changes in this section, clear cache at Stores -> Tools -> Cache Management to apply those changes. These options are store-dependent so that you can have a different URL policy on different stores.
  • Enable SEO-friendly URLs for Product Images - if enabled, the extension will replace the URLs of product images with more SEO-friendly ones according to the template. This option impacts product images on product view, product list pages, and Google sitemap.
  • Template for URL key of Product Images - defines the template which will be used for the generation of Product Images URLs.
  • Enable generation of Product Images Alt and Title - if enabled, the extension will automatically insert the Alt HTML attribute to all product images. This option impacts product images on product view, product list pages, and in the Google sitemap.
  • Template for Product Images Alt - defines the template which will be used for the generation of Product Image Alts. To get the value in the image template (usually image_with_borders.phtml), use $block->getLabel().
  • Template for Product Images Title - defines the template which will be used for the generation of Product Image Titles. To get the value in the image template (usually image_with_borders.phtml), use $block->getTitle().


In templates, you can use variables like: [product_name] [product_sku] [by {product_manufacturer}] [color {product_color}].


  • Template for URL key of Product Images: [product_name]
  • Actual URL:
  • Rewritten URL:

The same will be done for Alt and Title attributes.

Seo Toolbar (visible in the frontend, may not work if FPC or Varnish is enabled)

This section governs the special SEO Toolbar block that can be displayed on the frontend, as shown on the screenshot below:


  • Enable Toolbar - enable SEO Toolbar. It will become visible in the frontend of the store.
  • Show info only for - Defines a list of IPs (comma separated), visitors who can see the SEO Toolbar. Leave it empty for access from any location.