Advanced Seo Suite

List of variables that can be used in templates

This extension allows you to use variables for the category, product and layered navigation pages.


The extension will hide any variable in the rule if it is not set for the proper template. If you would like to hide some particular text around the variable, just do the following: [some text {variable} other text].

Permitted variables for the following pages:

Category pages

  • [category_name] - name of the category
  • [category_description] - category description
  • [category_url] - category URL
  • [category_parent_name] - name of the category parent
  • [category_parent_url] - URL of the category parent
  • [category_parentname{level}] - name of the parent category from specified level, for example [category_parent_name_2]

  • [category_page_title] or [category_meta_title] - title of the category
  • [store_name] - name of the current store
  • [store_url] - URL of the current store
  • [store_address] - address of the current store
  • [store_phone] - phone number of the current store

Product pages

  • [product_{attribute_code}] - where {attribute_code} is any attribute which can be found in Catalog > Attributes > Manage attributes. For example, for an attribute with the Attribute Label Decor Type and Attribute Code decor_type a corresponding template variable would be [product_decor_type]. The same goes for [product_brand], [product_size], etc
  • [product_name] - product's name
  • [product_sku] - product's SKU
  • [product_price] - product's regular price
  • [product_special_price] - product's special price
  • [product_final_price] - product's final price
  • [product_final_price_minimal] - product's final price (for bundle, configurable and grouped products will return minimal price)
  • [product_final_price_range] - product's final price (for bundle, configurable and grouped products will return price range)
  • [product_brand] - product's brand
  • [product_url] - product's URL
  • [product_entity_id] - product's ID
  • [category_name] - name of the category
  • [category_description] - category description
  • [category_url] - category URL
  • [category_parent_name] - name of the category parent
  • [category_parent_url] - URL of the category parent
  • [store_name] - name of the current store
  • [store_url] - URL of the current store
  • [store_address] - address of the current store
  • [store_phone] - phone number of the current store

CMS Page Data

  • [cmsPage_title] - title of the CMS Page
  • [cmsPage_meta_keywords] - keywords of the CMS Page
  • [cmsPage_meta_description] - meta description of the CMS Page
  • [cmsPage_content_heading] - content heading of the CMS Page
  • [cmsPage_content] - content of the CMS Page
  • [cmsPage_meta_title] - meta title of the CMS Page

Layered Navigation pages

  • [filter_selected_options] - will return the values of the chosen attributes in the layered navigation. Format: <selected options of attribute1>, <selected options of attribute2>. For example, "Asus, Red, Black Intel Core I5".
  • [filter_named_selected_options] - will return you names with values of the chosen attributes in the layered navigation. Format: <name of attribute1>: <selected options of attribute1>, <name of attribute2>: <selected options of attribute2>. For example, "Brand: Asus, Color: Red, Black CPU: Intel Core I5".
  • [category_name] - name of the category
  • [category_description] - category description
  • [category_url] - category URL
  • [category_parent_name] - name of the category parent
  • [category_parent_url] - URL of the category parent
  • [store_name] - name of the current store
  • [store_url] - URL of the current store
  • [store_address] - address of the current store
  • [store_phone] - phone number of the current store



[filter_selected_options] [category_name] ★★★★★ good prices, favorable terms of delivery and payment - [store_name] [| Call us {store_phone}]