Event Log

Extension registers all the events used at triggers.

Go to Follow Up Email > System > Event Log. You will see next fields:

  • ID - id of the event
  • Event Unique Key - event unique key, used to identify the event
  • Event Code - code of the event, refers to the event selected at the trigger's settings (main or cancellation)
  • Created At - indicates the time at which a given event took place
  • Updated At - the date of updating an event
  • Arguments - information related with an event. Every event may have its own set of arguments which can later be used at the email templates. Some of the arguments appear across all the events such as:
    • store_id - ID of a store associated with the event
    • epxire_after - number of seconds after which a new event with the same Unique Key and Event Code can be registered again. By default it's the 3600 seconds, which is equals to 1 hour. But for different events this interval may vary, e.g. for the event "cart_abandoned" this interval equals to 604 801 seconds - 7 days.
    • customer_name - name of the client which caused an event
    • customer_email - email of the client which caused an event
    • time - timestamp of an event's creation date
  • And other arguments vary across different event types, for example:
    • order_id - this argument exists only in order-related events, and points to the order's ID
    • quote_id - exists only in shopping cart related events, points to the shopping cart ID
  • Triggers - list of triggers IDs that listen to this event, and status of event processing by specific trigger
  • Action:
    • Reset & Process - resets status of the triggers and processes the event by the triggers anew
    • Remove - removes the event

At the toolbar you can also find the field Actions, here you can find some useful options:

  • Remove - gives you an ability to remove events in bulk
  • Validate - allows you to validate the events over the rules of a particular trigger. This option is very useful in case if you want to check why the emails were not created based on the specific events.

The extension automatically removes the 30 days old events from this section.

Follow Up Email