Rewards Policy

We are eager to reward you for every activity you make by using our brand!

That’s why Mirasvit has established a Reward Program. Receive discounts on any of our extensions by merely purchasing from our store or by reviewing Mirasvit solutions!

How can I earn Reward Points?

Earning Rewards is easy, and happens automatically. Follow these three simple steps to collect your first Points:

Purchase an extension or review any of our modules (see the review opportunities on the Table showing the earning rules below).
Receive Reward Points!

Points can be earned according to the following actions:

Earning Rule Points Earned
Each $100 spent in the Mirasvit store 100 points / $10
Write a review on our Facebook page 100 points / $10
Write a review on our Mirasvit store 100 points / $10
Link to our extension in your own blog 100 points / $10
Post about our extension in your own blog 250 points / $25

How can I spend Reward Points?

Spending your Reward points is easy! You can spend points on any extension during checkout. All your points will automatically be converted to $:

10 points = $1.

Important notes:

Partners can not earn points for orders.

Unused points expire 60 days after being rewarded.
