DatabaseException: unknown column: ‘autocomplete’


During full search reindex, Magento can throw this error:

Mirasvit\SearchSphinx\SphinxQL\Exception\DatabaseException: [1064] unknown column: 'autocomplete'


In recent update (Elastic Search Ultimate or Sphinx Search Ultimate) we added new column “autocomplete” to indexation. This column/attribute contains information required to display search results in autocomplete box:

  • name
  • short description
  • link
  • price
  • reviews
  • etc


To resolve this error, you just need to reset old Sphinx configuration and run reindex:

  1. Go to System / Search Management / Settings
  2. Press “Reset” button. This will reset configuration.
  3. Then press “Restart Sphinx Daemon” button. This will restart search service.
  4. Run search reindex from SSH/Console with the command below:

    bin/magento indexer:reindex catalogsearch_fulltext
