Understanding containers. Simplify your routine by exploring Docker

Modern standalone or online program solutions are sometimes useless when they have no access to third-party components. The existence of those dependencies significantly increases the resources required for a preconfigured app to be moved to another computing machine.

The problem of moving applications between hardware/software instances can be solved with technology of putting the app in one package-container. The sector of apps for containers is large. Docker is a widely used solution. It can legitimately be seen as a top app in this segment.

Containers are a way to simplify the work with an application by embedding it into a single image file that includes all its dependencies. This image runs in an isolated environment that does not affect the host operating system.

Utilizing containers a developer or host owner can separate the application from the underlying infrastructure. Developers do not need to think about the environment in which their application will work. They do not need to worry on the necessary settings and dependencies present on the host system.

With container the application can be simply packed along with all required dependencies and settings into a single image. This image can be run on other computer systems without worrying about the prior deploying of the application.

The app named Docker is a famous containerization utility that circulates as an open source. Its clients can package tools and apps into single holder bundle that contains executable pieces of the required application and its functioning system libraries. This way the software can be run on any host framework. It can be used if you would like to test new store functions like referral program magento locally before releasing in a real environment. And without effect on real customers.

Utilizing Docker is certifiably not an obligatory necessity for containerization. Anyway it turns out to be a lot less complex and more secure to create and send with this solution. Engineers can without much of a stretch easily oversee packaged bundles and mechanize their execution by means of an API.

How Docker works?

This open source entity can be viewed as a working framework for application holders. This platform provides a standard way for apps to run, which is in somewhat similar to how a virtual machine works.

Identically to the virtual machine software Docker removes the need to manage server hardware and software. In order for Docker to work its main application must be is installed on the server that runs containers.

Docker and a virtual machine differences

Despite containerization visually is similar to how virtual machine works, it has differences.

Virtual machine copies a PC by giving to this copy its own virtual equipment and software framework. With virtualization it is feasible to execute a number of frameworks on one server inside one host system.

The containerization innovation utilizes the assets of the primary host working framework and it doesn't virtualize the equipment. Applications in the compartments run on a similar activity framework the host gives. Since holders skip equipment virtualization they are less asset hungry.

Advantages Docker brings

Docker can solve several frequent tasks:

  • Dependency requirements. Container app holder permits loading an application with all necessary conditions for its work into a solitary unit. Libraries, framework utilities and design documents can be handily moved to any PC alongside the primary application.

In such manner a designer can accelerate his work from the test stage to production stage. The moved package will work quickly without the need to design the application on another host.

  • Standardize the operation. Containerized applications become simple to deploy, manage, roll back.

  • Speed up the application deployment on multiple servers. Docker containers come along with the code and data required for the application. Deployment process can be automated.

  • Shared containers. There are open-source vaults that are filled with client contributed containers.

  • Host and container safety. Docker isolates all processes and keeps them out of reach for the host operation system. The code in the container can’t gain access to the host operation system. This significantly increases the safety.

  • Responsive and scaled container organization. Docker is suited for highly portable workloads. Containers can be executed on multiple types of hardware, which can be a laptop, physical or virtual server in a data center, a cloud server, a mixture of these environments. Docker can dynamically manage workloads as business needs it. In near real time it can scale up or down the executed applications and services.

  • Several workloads on one hardware. Docker provides a viable alternative to virtual machines in the task of running several applications utilizing single hardware. Docker is perfectly suited for small, medium and high density environments.


Basically Docker can accomplish multiple tasks that significantly simplify deploying and managing of apps. Here is a brief rundown of what it is capable of: it can get a larger number of apps running on one instance of equipment; it makes it simple for designers to rapidly make prepared for execution of applications in containers; it makes controlling and sending applications a lot more straightforward.
