Vyacheslav Trukhmanov
- Apr 25, 2016
Setting up discounts in your Magento 2 store with price rules
Since the upgrade of Magento to 2.0 version, the management of discounts became much more user-friendly. But the main question about discounts remains – how to use them the most efficient way? In this article, we will try our best to uncover the answer by explaining:
how tailoring sale to special occasion empowers its results;
how to define was the campaign profitable or not by estimating the ROI;
how to set the discounts in Magento 2 admin panel.
Vyacheslav Trukhmanov
- Mar 28, 2016
Magento 2: Enhancing numerical input with Spinner Widget
Every Magento extension contains forms. They play crucial role in customer’s interaction not only in standard store operations but also with its most dynamic parts – like reports or other data visualization. The last often contains parameters, that should be selected from a certain range of values – and it’s not only fixed set of predefined options.
It will be good to have such forms enhanced with more rich input elements, which allows the customer to select values in a visual way quickly, precise and with minimal difficulties. This also can make mobile interfaces more usable and robust – which is very important nowadays ...
Vyacheslav Trukhmanov
- Mar 25, 2016
Building Tabbed Interface with Magento 2 Javascript UI
The most common way to construct space-saving interface is tabs and expandable panels. This approach is utilized in checkouts, customer basket extensions, product pages and so on. In Magento 1 creating tabbed interface was not quite trivial. It included layout manipulation and CMS blocks added and grouped only in the proper place. Collapsible panels were much easier to create, but they also required an extended scripting and their implementation differed from theme to theme.
This forced customers to use some special extensions or heavily customize their themes (or even use complex theme packs).
Unlike previous releases, in Magento 2 ...