Magento 2

Top Magento Development Companies for 2024 by Mirasvit

Discover the top Magento development companies for 2024 by Mirasvit. Elevate your online presence with the best Magento web developers. ...

10 Best Web Hosting Magento 2 Providers and Solutions in 2024

To help Magento store owners select the best web hosting provider, we researched the offers of the top 10 Magento hosting providers in 2024 and are sharing our ...

What is The Latest Version of Magento?

Like any other big online platform, Magento constantly improves itself. With the rise of new technology, demand for new features, and bugs that should be fixed, new updates are always near. In this article, we will discuss all Magento 2 release versions – what they bring, why updating is important, and the latest version of Magento. So, ...

Magento or WordPress: the Difference Between CMS for Ecommerce

 Selecting a suitable Content Management System (CMS) can define the success of your commercial project. These platforms enable you to build your digital storefront and promote products or services. With numerous options in today’s market, Magento and WordPress stand out as two prominent choices, each offering a specific toolset. In this ...

Magento vs Shopify – Pros and Cons, CMS Comparison in 2024

 In the fast-paced realm of digital sales, a reliable base to launch your digital storefront is a cornerstone of success. Whether you choose Magento or Shopify to build your website, these two digital commerce leaders have distinct advantages and challenges. As we venture further into 2024, understanding the fundamental perks and limitations of ...

Magento 2 Custom Theme Development: speaking from experience

Mirasvit has been working with Magento for over ten years now. One of the core components of any Magento store is a theme. For instance, we changed our website’s theme four times! So why don’t we discuss Magento theming today? We will compare approaches, weigh the pros and cons, and share our experiences. Let’s dive in! ## Theming Magento ...

Magento 2 Order Status | Magento Pending Payment to Processing

Magento 2 Order Status extension: Effortlessly shift orders from Pending Payment to Processing, ensuring a seamless and automated ...

How to build custom reports in Magento 2

Full utilization of available data will help optimize business operations, enhance customer satisfaction, and make informed decisions that contribute to the overall success of your store. Built-in reports often do not cover all business needs, and in such cases, the ability to create custom reports becomes crucial. Using custom reports with ...

Magento and Google Sheets Integration: Get automatically updated Magento reports in Google Sheets

Automate the extraction of insightful business data from your Magento store with the Advanced Reports extension directly to Google Sheets. The extension empowers you to harness the wealth of information stored in your Magento store, enabling the creation of tailored analytical reports directly in the admin ...

New Module: Advanced Reviews for Magento 2

User-generated product ratings and reviews are the most powerful thing when talking about a purchase decision-making. Our new Advanced Reviews extension for Magento2 is a tool to increase both the quantity and the quality of the reviews. It brings structure and informativeness to the review section of your online ...