Tag: Pagespeed
Oleksandr Drok
- Jul 17, 2020
How do I Turbocharge Magento 2 Store with Google PageSpeed Module?
During several years we have been studying and implementing various approaches to improve the speed of store server and frontend.
For an online store, the most important aspect is the operation speed. And here, it is important not only how fast a server returns a page to a client (TTFB), but also, how quickly the client can download this page and all related resources (files js, CSS, images, fonts).
The speed of operation is one of the most significant factors which affects the SERP ranking in search engines (Google, Bing, etc). The faster a server generates the page and a client downloads it, the higher your website is in the search ...
Maria Tkachuk
- Jan 3, 2020
5 reasons to speed up your Magento 2 store
Do you know what two heartbeats are? They are not only two movements of your body's most crucial muscle but also a desired web page speed. Yes, you read it right — half of the internet surfers expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less. Just two heartbeats may be the tipping point for your potential customers.
To put it: Can your site speed have a drastic effect on your conversions? The answer is yes.
Oleksandr Drok
- Jan 24, 2019
7 essential ways to improve your Magento 2 site speed [Updated]
The significance of site speed is impossible to underestimate - users are becoming more and more demanding, Google is penalizing websites with low page load speed.
According to Radware research, 3 seconds download speed web page in comparison with 1 second download time web pages, has 22% views less, bounce rate higher by 50% and 22% less conversion. While 5 seconds web site (comparing to 1 second) 35% fewer views, 105% higher bounce rate, conversion 38% less.
As you see – the faster your website downloads, the more money you get. Magento 2 stores have the specific list of actions for improving site speed you can take at the very ...