Anton Gurtovoi


Anton works as a content creator at Mirasvit. For the last 7 years, he constantly perfected his writing skills, diving into different topics and technics.

Now, he is relentlessly learning more about e-commerce to deliver only the best content for our visitors.

Mirasvit Last Updates - June 2024

In this article, explore the latest enhancements introduced by Mirasvit in its Magento extensions for the last ...

Mirasvit Last Updates - May 2024

May 2024 has passed, and summer is approaching. No matter the heat, our developers continue to update Mirasvit's modules. This month, the GPT AI assistant got a new logic model. Blog MX has new pages and now supports more canonical tags. Advanced SEO Suite also has new features regarding snippets and templates. Interested in details? Then, let's ...

What is The Latest Version of Magento?

Like any other big online platform, Magento constantly improves itself. With the rise of new technology, demand for new features, and bugs that should be fixed, new updates are always near. In this article, we will discuss all Magento 2 release versions – what they bring, why updating is important, and the latest version of Magento. So, ...

Mirasvit Last Updates - April 2024

Spring is picking up the pace, and so is Mirasvit’s work to enhance our modules. In April, our efforts were focused on improving existing extensions. This article gathered all the important updates to our modules, excluding bug fixes. Dive in and see what’s new! ## Automatic Related Products {#relatedprod} ### 🔥 Improvement: reduced ...

Magento 2 Custom Theme Development: speaking from experience

Mirasvit has been working with Magento for over ten years now. One of the core components of any Magento store is a theme. For instance, we changed our website’s theme four times! So why don’t we discuss Magento theming today? We will compare approaches, weigh the pros and cons, and share our experiences. Let’s dive in! ## Theming Magento ...

Magento 2 Order Status | Magento Pending Payment to Processing

Magento 2 Order Status extension: Effortlessly shift orders from Pending Payment to Processing, ensuring a seamless and automated ...

Set up the development department from scratch

In-house development teams have many benefits. To build a team and avoid pitfalls, you need experience. Mirasvit can share with you tips on creating and managing an in-house development ...

New Module: Facebook Pixel & Conversion API for Magento 2

Targeted ads in social media are a big source of revenue. Enhance your ads with the new Facebook Pixel & Conversion API module by Mirasvit. Gain valuable insight and cater to your ...

Blog MX 2.0 Update – What’s new and why it matters?

Mirasvit Blog MX 2.0 update brought many changes to the extension. Learn what new features it added, how the architecture of pages was remade, and why those changes are ...

Using Chatbots for Ecommerce: Best Conversational AI

Unlock the potential of conversational AI in ecommerce with the best chatbots, enhancing customer service and driving sales ...