Magento 2 DIY The Complete Guide Review

DIY Magento 2 complete guide

Magento 2 DIY The Complete Guide Review

Straightaway: this is book. 149 pages, far beyond any other guide you may find on the internet. The only competitor on the level of details it may have is the Magento 2 documentation itself. But DIY Magento 2 is beyond just CMS documentation – it offers suggestions on the extensions, SEO tips and much more. Let’s have a look at the table of contents of Magento 2 DIY book:

  • Technology Stack
  • Resources / Tutorials / Guides
  • Installation / Download
  • Hosting
  • Composer
  • API
  • Templates
  • Extensions
  • SEO
  • Performance
  • Migration
  • Security

The list looks impressive. We will go chapter by chapter.

Technology Stack

Magento 2 Technology Stack


This chapter describes advantages of technologies used, why are they suitable for CMS and how we can benefit from them. What Is more, the chapter is stuffed with useful links to directories or articles related to the technologies mentioned which makes it very useful – you don’t have to google each time but simply follow the link.

Resources / Tutorials / Guides

This chapter features two sub-topics:

  1. Learning Magento 2;
  2. The real Magento community.

There are plenty of useful links, but I must confess it would be way more useful in case they were categorized cause plugins, blogs and forums come all together and I doubt I will refer to this list in case I have some specific need.

Despite of that, the list is literally treasure – more than 40 links to trusted blogs, forums and plugins for Magento.

Installation / Download

If the previous chapter were introductory, here’s where the Firebear studio grab the reader deep inside the Magento 2 installation process, not skipping any of preparation details, such as choosing your method among 4 installation options:

  • Simple Installation on your own server;Simple installation on shared hosting;
  • Simple installation on shared hosting;
  • The metapackage;Cloning the Magento 2 repository.
  • Cloning the Magento 2 repository.

Each one is written keeping all the tiniest steps you need to execute during the installation process which makes it possible for newbie to execute the installation of Magento 2. On the other hand, it is followed by useful tips and links that even experienced developer will bookmark.

The Hosting – Composer – API – Templates chapters are full of suggestions, links and code snippets, but in the most general way yet covering the needs of beginner.


This chapter offers you an installation guide for Magento 2 extensions, covering both installation via Composer and by copying code. What is also great adding to the chapter is the huge list of must-have extensions for any ecommerce store – featuring the extensions for SEO needs, search results relevance improvement, marketing needs, referral program, reporting and pretty much any need for ecommerce Magento 2 store owner.


In case you were unaware of the out-of-the-box opportunities Magento 2 offers, DIY Magento 2 guide is here to change that within the overview of the admin panel adjustment you need to get your website SEO-friendly.


The authors provide an overview of technologies and solutions developers of CMS Magento used to boost the performance of the platform. Useful for beginners to have a glimpse on the technologies used.

And of course performance comparison is also here:

Magento 1 against Magento 2 performance comparison


Migration to Magento 2 cms


I would describe that as an extend of devdocs magento – DIY is obviously referring to DevDocs Magento but complements them with links to data migration tools you may choose from. There are no step-by-step guide for any of them provided.

Generating New Sales

I suggest every ecommerce marketer looking through the notes as they outline the specifics of Magento 2 platform that can be beneficial in case used wisely.

The topics covered:

  • Marketing campaign evaluation;
  • Direct traffic;
  • Email marketing;
  • Paid search results;
  • Organic search results;
  • Referral program modules;
  • Banner ads;
  • Adwords campaigns;
  • SMM;
  • Blogging.

I think this section can be specially useful for small store owners who run marketing by themselves and for marketers who are new to CMS Magento for them to adopt in the most agile manner.


Definitely one of the most valuable chapter of the whole book. It has just tips inside, but executing those 25 security tips will certain your data is safe.


Magento is more than just CMS, it’s fast-growing ecosystem. Magento 2 DIY The Complete Guide is the book that can open doors towards knowledge for newcomers helping them to adapt fast to it. It is also a valuable base of useful tips that are so hard to identify by ourselves until we make a mistake. All in all, great job, guys!

Oleksandr Drok

Head of Product at Mirasvit

Alex serves as the Head of Product at Mirasvit, where he formulates the vision for Mirasvit's extensions, carefully curates new features, and constructs the roadmap.

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