Weekly Updates
Oleksandr Drok
- Magento 2
- May 13, 2016
- 1 min read
Magento 2
Help Desk MX
Working status block in the Customer account.
There is one simple rule every store owner knows: don?t make your customer angry. We really hope hear our new feature will help you to keep relations with customers on the bright side even in case they have raised a ticket. How does it help?
Here is how this feature works at front-end of your store, in Customer?s acount:
Store Credit & Refund
Total balance on admin transactions page.
From now on, the total balance and total used balance are indicated on top of the admin panel:
Magento 1
Help Desk MX
Notification settings extended.
Are you aware of our Notifications service? By default, each 5 seconds service checks whether the are new messages. Thanks to this feature, you can keep track of customers? answers and provide timely response. On the other hand, your server capabilities may not sustain such frequent queries, or you may be distracted by notifications and that?s why we have added an option to change check period:
Ability to create offline RMA via backend.
Now you can keep track of all your RMA at one place: your Magento admin panel. No need for additional paperwork but same level of service to all of your customers. Both you and your clients can create RMA for their purchases in your offline stores via RMA interface now, in a few clicks:
Other minor bug fixes and improvements were done as well.
Any questions regarding updates or extensions? Feel free to leave them in the comments below.